Chapter 6 : Vampires?

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Stormy actually parks her Jeep beside Emmett's at school and she goes over to Connie and Rhonda. Connie shrieks happily and she catches Emmett's amused eyes. She waves and she smirks as he waves back. Bash and Evan soon catch up.

"You met the parents?" Evan wiggles his eyebrow.

Stormy rolls her eyes. "I did. Doctor and Mrs. Cullen are amazing."

Stormy goes through her classes that day and she goes outside to see a van swerving toward Bella. She isn't aware of it until almost too late and Edward - somehow - manages to get to her and stops the van from crushing Bella. That reminds me of Alice almost letting the word human come up at the Cullens house.

"Hey, you hanging out today?" Rosalie asks, trying to hide her anger at Edward.

"No," Stormy replies. "I'm driving up to Port Angeles."

"Need some company?" Chandler asks, knowing his mate's evil when she's mad.

"No, I'm fine," Stormy replies sternly and she sees Emmett coming. "I gotta go."

Stormy gets into her Jeep and she drives away from the school so that her dad doesn't make her go to the hospital for Bella. Besides, Charlie and Bella have probably forgotten about her already.

Stormy drives for an hour until she is at the library in Port Angeles. She parks beside a white Nissan and she heads in, accidentally bumping into a Native American woman.

"I am so sorry!" Stormy gasps.

"No, no, no worries," the woman says kindly, a warm smile filling her features. "I'm Rebecca Black... Only in Washington for a few days."

"I'm Stormy Swan, I love in Forks," Stormy says.

"I'll see you around," Rebecca says before leaving.

"If you remember me," Stormy mutters to herself as she enters the library.

She has the librarian set a timer for the computers and she gets into the cubical for the spare computer. They put walls between the computers for the local's privacy, Stormy was relived, especially when she types in the word Vampire.

Stormy believes in vampires. She knows they're real and would understand why they'd live in a town like Forks. The lack of sun and cold temperatures are reason enough for Stormy to live here, the lack of sun for the Cullens...,

Stormy scrolls through the page until she clicks on a link. It makes the possible traits. Ice cold skin, strength, super speed. They're eyes are usually red but the Cullens' eyes are a golden color, a beautiful color in Stormy's mind.

"So, you know," a voice says from the edge of the cubical.

Stormy gasps as her heart rate picks up. She whips her head around and sees Emmett leaning against the wall with an annoyed face, his arms crossed.

"D-d-did you follow me?" Stormy asks.

"You looked like you were on a mission," Emmett replies as he studies her, she doesn't look scared. "I was curious... Come on, we can go to the house and I'll explain everything."

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