Chapter 8 : Blood Testing

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          This is the day Stormy isn't looking forward to in biology, a class she has with Alice and Rhonda, blood testing. Stormy doesn't get woozy around blood, but she just hates people taking it. She's a universal donar, O+.

Stormy wonders how Bella's gonna do, she knows how squeamish her sister gets at the sight or even the smell of blood. And she's human.

Alice helps stick Stormy's skin and get the blood onto the tab needed, and gets it to mr. Molina. Alice said she did this earlier in the year, she had convinced Stormy of it although, Stormy officially knows better. She just isn't one hundred percent sure how Alice talked her way out of it, the same with the others.
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The first thing Emmett and Stormy know when they make it to the cafeteria is that Edward is sitting at another table with miss Isabella, Stormy's dear twin sister. Emmett sighs before he nudges Stormy on toward the lunch line.

Emmett gets trays of food at lunch to keep up his human image, to keep the other human students from getting suspicious. Stormy thinks it's smart.

"Edward has already began ditching us," Rosalie mutters as Emmett and Stormy sit. "It's not like she's his mate, she's only his blood singer."

"Isn't a blood singer the same thing as a mate?" Stormy asks.

"No, no, they're two different things," Alice chirps. "Your sister is Edward's blood singer while you're Emmett's mate."

"What is a blood singer?" She asks.

"Where a human's blood appeals to a vampire more than any other but the vampire can't hurt the human," Jasper replies. "Bella is Edward's blood singer, but he would never intentionally hurt her."

Stormy looks over at her sister and she sighs, she will hate for her sister to be pulled into the world of the supernatural. Stormy doubts vampires are the only creatures around Forks, and she is sure there are more vampries that are more evil than this family that welcomes her with open arms.

"She'll be ok," Jasper assures the nervous human.

"You can read my emotions all you want to, Jas, but please.... Don't manipulate them," Stormy says to him.

"Why not?"

"Because I'm human, I'm so beautifully human," Stormy replies. "I want my human emotions without them being magically altered."

"Good reasoning," Jasper replies as he drapes an arm around the back o f Alice's chair. "Alright, then. I promise not to mess with your emotions and I'll allow you feel every human emotion."

Stormy smiles, satisfied. "Thank you."
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"Bella!?" Stormy falls as she gets home.

"I'm here," Bella says as she exits the kitchen. "I almost fainted during the blood testing in bio."

"I was wondering how you would do," stormy admits as they both go to the kitchen. "Why is your truck at truck school?"

"Edward drove me home," Bella says. "Alice is supposed to bring it tonight."

Stormy can give Edward credit; he has been taking care of her sister. Bella deserves happiness, even if it is with a vampire. Stormy pours herself a glass of tea while Bella makes a homemade lasagna, enough so that they can hav leftovers for a few days.

"You and Emmett make a good couple," Bella comments as she leans against the counter at the sink. "Do you think Edward and I will be good together?"

"I think so," Stormy admits. "I need a shower; I'll be down when the foods done."

Bella nods and Stormy heads up to the only bathroom. She takes a steaming hot shower and wraps a fluffy, white towel around her body before she heads up to the attic. She sighs at the silence as she closes herself in. A thump shows emmett clung to the side of the house.

The brunette in a towel runs over and opens her window, Emmett climbs in. He grabs Stormy's face and he kisses her, Stormy melts into Emmett's arms as he pulls her close, not caring that she is only in a towel.

"Okay, I'll go now, I just needed that," Emmett muses and he kisses her again before he's gone.

Stormy shakes her head as she closes the window and she lays the towel drop on the rug. She puts on her lacy underwear and some yoga pants. Stormy ignored a bra as she puts on her University of Arizona T-shirt Renee actually got her.

"Stormy! Food!"

Stormy smiles and she climbs down the attic ladder. She finds Charlie, Bella, and a man in a baseball cap over his long, graying hair.

"Stormy!" Charlie greets. "This is Harry Clearwater, he lives down on the Rez."

"Hi, mr. Clearwater," Stormy greets as she makes herself a plate, her wet hair is brushed and down, soaking the back of her T-shirt.

"Call me Harry, dear," the man in the baseball cap says and he begins discussing sports and hunting with Charlie while Bella and Stormy eat in silence.
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Stormy lays in her bed with Emmett, he returned after she finished doing dishes. She left her window open because of the chill and Emmett. Despite his chest being empty, Stormy enjoys cuddling with the cold person beside her.

She might even love him, but she doesn't know yet. Emmett kisses the tip of Stormy's head as she eventually drifts off to sleep.

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