Chapter 9 : Visiting La Push

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           Stormy is alone when she wakes up and she's okay with that. She wants to visit Billy Black down on the reservation today. He's been bugging Charlie about seeing Stormy and that Jeep again.

Stormy gets dressed in some skinny jeans, a long sleeved blue shirt, some converse, and a zip up jacket before she leaves the attic with her hair brushed. She texted Emmett, telling him she will be in La Push visiting today.

Stormy eats a quick breakfast with Bella. Bella's going to La Push, too. She's going to First Beach with Angela Webber, Jessica, Mike, a boy named Eric, and another named Tyler. She invited Edward but he can't go. Because if the treaty; the treaty is something else Stormy needs to ask Carlisle about.

Stormy drives to La Push after finishing her scrambled eggs and toast, and she parks in front of Billy's wheelchair ramp and behind a pickup. The man rolls himself onto the porch. Billy has a confused look on his face at first but when he removes his cowboy hat, he grins real big when he spots the familiar Jeep and familiar Swan sibling getting out.

"Stormy Swan!" Billy exclaims, his smile causing his forehead to wrinkle up only a little bit. "Come on in."

Stormy smiles before she walks up the ramp and enters the house. As if the clouds knew, as soon as the door closes, they open up and the rain falls hard. Billy sighs but he rolls into the living room, where Stormy sees an attractive guy with short hair. He's wearing denim shorts, a gray T-shirt under a brown leather jacket, and some adidas shoes.

"Stormy, this is Sam Uley," Billy introduces. "Sam, this is Stormy Swan, one of Charlie's girls."

Stormy shakes Sam's warm hand and she smiles. "It's nice to meet you, Sam."

Sam's mouth twitches into a smile and he shakes Stormy's hand in return. "It's my pleasure, ms. Swan."

"The Jeep looks good, Storm," Billy comments as he looks up at the girl, she hasn't sat.

"You can sit," Sam teases, smiling. "I don't bite."

"The Jeep is great, Billy," Stormy says as she finally sits beside Sam. "Runs like a dream."

"I was going to have Sam take a look under the hood if you're okay with it," Billy days to the younger Swan twin.

"That's fine," Stormy says and Sam heads outside. "Billy, where's Jacob?"

"First beach with Embry and Quill," Billy replies.

Stormy smiles as the rain lets up, now she hopes Bella and her friends are having fun now that it isn't raining. She saw surfboards in top of Tyler's van, and a couple on top of Eric's car.

"La Push is beautiful," Stormy finally comments after a lengthy comfortable silence. "I give your tribe elders credit for that."

"Thank you," Billy says. "We try and keep it danger free, safe.... You should come back out tomorrow... We're having a bonfire at Sam."

(A/N: I'm sorry but before I confuse anyone and get questions, Emily is not in this book!)

Stormy nods and she smiles before Sam comes in. Stormy looks up and meets his eyes for the first actual time and she sees Sam's pupils dilated and eyes widen. Billy looks between them and his eyes widen before he rolls to the kitchen to call the elders and Carlisle Cullen.

"Are you coming to the bonfire tomorrow?" Sam asks when he's finally able to break eye contact and sit.

"I am going to try," Stormy replies nervously. "How's my Jeep looking?"

"Good, no problems," Sam replies and Billy rolls in.

"Stormy, sweetie, Carlisle wants to see you," Billy says.

"Can I still come to the bonfire tomorrow?" Stormy asks.

"Of course, of course!" Billy replies quickly. "Carlisle just wants to explain some things to you." He gives Sam a look.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Sam says and he leaves to go call Carlisle, he phases to run home.
[__] [__] [__]

Stormy rings the doorbell at the Cullen mansion and Esme opens the door.

"Why didn't I smell you?" Esme asks. "Oh well! Come in. Carlisle is in his study."

Emmett kisses Stormy as soon as she reaches the second story. He smiles before letting her head up her another flight of stairs. Stormy reaches to knock on a familiar door and Carlisle calls for her to enter before her knuckles can touch the wood.

Stormy smirks and she twists the doorknob to push the door open. Carlisle smiles at her as Stormy closes the door and has a seat.

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