Chapter 2 : First Day of School

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^^^ Stormy's attic bedroom ^^^

Stormy actually beat her alarm clock by ten minutes the following morning, so she goes on ahead and turns it off. She stretches as she sits up and gets out of her bed. The brunette is pleased she has a rug up here or else she'd be freezing. There is a breeze coming in from her open window.

Stormy's odd, she sleeps with her window open here. It was too hot in Phoenix but in January in Forks, it is freezing. But according to the weather segment on the tv the previous night and according to Charlie, it's cold most of the times in Forks.

Stormy dresses in some jeans, a Forrest green blouse that is kind of revealing, a brown hooded jacket, and some hiking boots. She brushes her brown hair before she heads on downstairs. Bella squeeks when she leaves her room and sees Stormy.

"Morning, Stormy," Bella greets after she gets her quick beating heart under control.

"Morning," Stormy greets.

Stormy goes out to her dirt bike and she shivers as soon as she steps outside. The brunette ignores it before she puts the helmet Jacob left for her on, and she climbs into the seat. The ravishing brunette kicks the kickstart and the dirt bike starts.

"Yes!" Stormy cheers befofe she maneuvers her way out of the driveway before she drives to Forks High School.
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Stormy knew she'd get a dozen or more stares when she got there, but her dirt bike didn't help. She parks the furthest away from people; she really can't wait until Jacob drops the Jeep off.

Stormy meets seven set of golden eyes and one stands out. He seems to be the most muscular, his face is well structured and he's just so... Beautiful.

"I wouldn't," a voice sound.

Stormy whips around and sees a boy with sandy brown hair and green eyes. "Oh!"

He smiles. "I'm sorry.... I'm Evan, I'll be your tour guide."

"Stormy," the brunette girl says.

"And don't worry about me flirting," Evan says. "I am totally gay."

Stormy smiles before she looks at the group of go,den eyed beauties. "Who are they?"

"The Cullens and Hales," Evan replies as he leads Stormy toward the school. "The bigger guy you keyed ogling over is Emmett Cullen, he and Edward are the single ones. Totally gorgeous, obviously, but they don't date. The blonde with the intense eyes is Rosalie Hale. She's a badass. The hottie she was going to was Chandler Cullen."

"The one with the pixie cut's Alice Cullen, she's with Jasper Hale," Evan continues as they head toward the office. "Jasper's..."

"The pained looking one?" Stormy guesses and her new friend nods. "I guessed... Why did you say that when you approached me? I wouldn't?"

"They don't give people like us their attention, especially their love," Evan says. "Bash!"

A ginger boy with brown eyes comes running over. He kisses Evan passionately, making Stormy smile in awe.

"Babe, babe, this is Stormy, my new best friend," Evan says bluntly. "Stormy, this is the best person in my life besides my parents, my other half, my lifeline... Sebastian Luther."

Sebastian kisses rhe back of Stormy's hand before he walks away. Evan has a blush on his face when he gets Stormy to the office. While she is getting her schedule, Evan waits. He sees Emmett Cullen pause and look in on Stormy, his golden eyes curious.

"Hey," Emmett greets Evan.

Evan gapes, jaw wide. "Are you talking to me?" He manages to ask as he points at himself.

Emmett smiles and he laughs, a thunderous sound. "Yes, Evan Morrison, I am."

"Evan," Stormy says as she exits the office but freezes when she sees Emmett. "Oh... Hi."

Emmett smiles and he offers her a hand. "I'm Emmett."

Stormy swallows the lump in her throat and she takes Emmett's cold hand in hers. "Stormy Swan."

Emmett looks at Evan, who is turning blue. "Evan, breath, man."

Evan gasps out and slowly regains his color. "Oh, god... Did I really just do that?"

Emmett pats him on the shoulder before he strolls away.

"I... did... Emmett Cullen just talked to us!" Evan proclaims.

"I saw that, Evan," Stormy says with a smile. "Here's my schedule."

Evans grabs the piece of paper and he smiles. "We share history, Spanish, lunch, and Gym. We also have lunch period around Emmett and he's in the gym when we are. He's a senior."

"History is our first class, my friend," Stormy muses. "Shall we?"

Evan smiles and they walk to history. Jasper is in this class and he looks as tense as ever. The only empty seats for Stormy is beside him.

"He won't bite you," Evan whispers. "Mr. Maddox, this is Stormy Swan. She's new."

Mr. Maddox signs the slip for Stormy before she sits beside Jasper. Jasper nods slightly in greeting before mr. Maddox gets started in today's lesson: one of the wars, Stormy never caught onto which one. 
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Emmett is leaned against his Jeep when he sees Evan Morrison and Sebastian Luther walking out with his mate, Stormy Swan.

"Emmett, is that here?" Chandler asks. "Your human mate?"

"Yeah," Emmett replies. "Her name's Stormy."

"Her emotions are all over the place," Jasper informs him. "She sits beside me in history. Her main ones are loneliness, sadness, nervousness, and happiness. She seems to be easily forgotten."

"I could never forget about her," Emmett mumbles. "I can't."

"I know," Chandler replies as he claps a hand against Emmett's back. "She's pretty."
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"Hey, Storm," Charlie greets as the younger twin enters the house. "How was school?"

"I made two new friends," Stormy claims. "Evan Morrison and Sebastian Luther. They're a couple."

"That's good, I'm glad," Charlie replies. "I'm headed to the station for a while, Stormy. Maybe we can go to the diner after school tomorrow."

Stormy nods. "I have homework." She goes to the kitchen, reheats some leftover spaghetti, and heads to her room for the rest of the night.  

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