Chapter 13 : Bye-Bye Cullens

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Time Skip.
Bella and Stormy's birthdays

        How did I allow Alice convince me to come here for this? Stormy asks herself with that annoyed voice in her head. Alice is throwing a birthday party for both Stormy and Bella, the twins are officially eighteen and Stormy is going to get a job and move to La Push while going to school. She got a job already, she did in July. She works cleaning houses with Anne Lahote.

Bella is upstairs with Edward, talking and getting ready. Stormy is standing awkwardly beside Gen, and Emmett is on the other side of her. Stormy has opened her presents. She has a new car, a red 2005 Chevrolet corvette convertible. The entire family pitched in to get it, even Gen Hale, Emmett's fiancée.

"Happy birthday," Carlisle coos as as hugs Bella, and Stormy looks down - Rosalie, Gen, Esme, and Jasper were the only ones to actually acknowledge its her birthday to without having to get a present, their voices were enough. "We tried to reign Alice in."

"Like that's possible," Esme muses. "Happy birthday to you, too, Bella." Esme hugs her.

"Thanks," Bella mutters shyly.

"Show me the love!" Alice chirps as she pushes Bella into Edward, and snaps a picture. "Found it in your bag."

Alice grabs a present as Edward gives Bella a kiss on top of the head. She hands her a box.

"This one's from Emmett and Gen," Alice chirps.

Bella shakes the box, only to finch that's it's empty.

"Already installed it," Emmett muses from beside Gen. "It's only a decent sound system for that piece of sh-..."

"Hey," Bella interrupts him, "d-don't hate the truck."

"Here," Rosalie says sharply as she hands Bella a jewelry box. "It's a necklace, Alice picked it out."

"Thanks," Bella says shyly.

"Open Carlisle and Esme's next," Alice chirps as she hands Bella a tightly wrapped box. 

"Just something to brighten your day," Carlisle says from where he is holding Esme lovingly.

"You've been looking pale lately," Esme adds.

Bella fumbles with the wrapper and she cuts her finger. Stormy's eyes widen and she looks right at Jasper. Jasper lunges at Bella and Edward throws her back, Bella lands in a glass table - earning an even bigger cut on her forearm. It takes Carlisle and Emmett to hold jasper back.

"Jas... Jas... Shh... It's just a little..." Alice pauses as she smells it, her eyes darken. "Blood."

"Get Jasper out of here," Carlisle demands, Edward and Chandler drag him out.

"I'm sorry, i-I can't," Alice whispers and she walks out.

Stormy has been forgotten once again and she frowns. Edward looks at her and he walks up.

"You're not forgotten, Stormy," Edward assures her and Esme gasps.

Stormy frowns and her lip trembles. Edward wraps a brotherly arm around Stormy and brings her outside. As soon as Jasper feels her emotions, he walks over and he wraps the human in a hug, burying his face in her neck, inhaling her scent because she is the first human since his creation he has not wanted to kill.

"Shh, it's okay, Jas," Stormy whispers as she hugs him back. "Just breathe."

Alice watches and her eyes widen; she had forgotten her and she looks at her feet. Jasper pulls back and he looks down at Stormy, eyes black as coal. Jasper kissss Stormy on the forehead.

"Go to Sam," he whispers against her head. "I'll email you later."

Stormy nods and she walks around front to her new car. She gets in and starts it up, the beautiful sound of the engine makes Stormy let out an excited, inhuman noise. This makes Rosalie laugh from the garage.

Stormy lets the roof down to feel the cold air in her hair as she drives through Forks and over the La Push boarder. She passes Jared's wolf, who is trying to race her, but fails epically. Stormy has been told she drives like a Cullen. 

A thirty minute drive takes seven.

Sam is learning against the porch railing as his imprint parks behind her old Jeep. He has began driving it because he had to junk his truck after it broke down on him.

Stormy stops in front of Sam, she is on the ground while he's on the porch. She's eighteen now, Sam's a good twenty. She smiles before closing the distance and kissing him. Sam stumbles a little in shock before a hand rests on Stormy's face while his other arm wraps around her back, he kisses her back and he has her pushed against one of the lists holdimg the porch up.

Sam kisses down Stormy's jaw and buries his face into her neck. Stormy giggles but smiles at Sam's warmth. She actually moved in here, even though Charlie doesn't know. She really is working with Anne, cleaning houses around the reservation while she is homeschooled.

Connie and Rhonda moved to Seattle. Bash and Evan went back to Mystic Falls in Virginia.
Rated R! Smut.

Sam and Stormy go to the bedroom and they connect their lips again, Stormy let's out s moan as Sam hovers over her in bed. He smiles down at her before he literally rips the shirt off of her and kisses down her chest and torso.

Sam leaves warmth all throughout Stormy's body with each kiss until he reaches her nice pants. He pulls them off with her flats and then he takes in Stormy's body. She's thin but beautiful. Sam kisses her quickly before he pulls her up and removed her bra.

The wolf growls in adoration as Stormy grabs his penis, and she moves her hand to pump it. Sam brits his teeth as he lets out a groan as his hand moves on down, into the human's underwear and he inserts a finger into her wet core.

"Oh, Sam!" Stormy moans as Sam picks up the pace, pumping his finger in and out. "Ah!"

Sam kisses her before he removed Stormy's undies, puts a condom on, and then he possitions himself. He asks for permission again and once again, Stormy grants it to him and Sam slowly pushes himself into her.

"Oh, shit!" Stormy gasps as her nails dig into Sam's chest.

Sam groans ar the feeling and his thrusts pick up, becoming sloppy as he gets closer. Stormy gasps and yells out as her orgasm hits. Not even a minute later, Sam busts into the rubber and he falls beside a very sweaty Stormy.

He kisses her forehead and waits for her legs to stop being shaky for her to shower.

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