Chapter 5 : Meeting the Parents already?

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            The weekend went pretty slowly and it's officially Monday, Stormy is excited to see Emmett again. Connnie stayed with her all weekend, Rhonda came over on Sunday. They're all riding together in Stormy's Jeep and the girls are getting rides home from Evan and Bash.

Emmett is leaning against the railings near Stormy's parking space, which is near the shakes. Connie sends Stormy a wink before she and Rhonda head into the school.

"Is this going to be a regular thing?" Stormy asks as she gets out and approaches the vampire. "Because if it is, I'm okay with it."

"Then it will be," Emmett muses as he pushes hair behind her ear. "Shall we?"

Stormy looks at Emmett's looped arm. She smiles before hooking hers with his, and allows him to lead her into the high school. Students are gawking and whispering, some are pointing and others are laughing. But Emmett ignores them as he wraps a protective arm around Stormy as the walk through the crowded hallways.

As usual, Stormy sits beside Jasper in history. They've been assigned as partners to do a project about the wars. Jasper's a senior and this is a senior history class, but Stormy is smart enough in this subject that she can take the senior course. It's quite impressive toward Jasper.

Jasper looks at Stormy while the others are chatting. "Want to come over after school?" He asks tensely. "We can get started on the project there."

"Sounds good, Jasper," Stormy replies. "I can follow you after school."

Jasper nods and he grabs a novel with the plot set in the wild, Wild West. Stormy bites her lip to keep from laughing; Jasper smiles to himself when he feels Stormy's amusement toward the novel he brought back from home.
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The school day was long and when the final bell rung, Stormy was happy. She spots Emmett leaning against the wall near the gym exit, he is looking right at her. Stormy bites her lip as Evan sends her away, he is grinning from ear to ear, he is excited for Stemmett, Stormy and Emmett.

"Jasper said you're coming over to work on a history project," Emmett says casually.

"Yep," Stormy replies. "Looks like I'll be meeting your parents already, Emmy."

Emmett tilts her head up with his thumb, he's wearing a goofy smile. "Looks like, huh?"

Stormy smiles before she pushes the exit doors open and walks out fo the building. Emmett growls a little before he jogs out with her. People stir clear when they see Emmett coming, and are shocked to see him with Stormy Swan. Her being remembered became a thing when she came to Forks. Given, Bella still forgets about her and Charlie does, sometimes, but it's gotten better. Billy even remembered her about the Jeep, she was always forgotten in Arizona.

Emmett opens the driver's side door to Stormy's Jeep and he leans against the front, watching as she gets in and closes the door herself. Stormy looks in her rear view mirror and sees Bella, Bella is gazing at Edward - who is with the other Cullens.

"Just follow us," Emmett tells his mate before he jogs to his own Jeep.

Stormy starts her Jeep up and follows behind Rosalie's beautiful red car, Chandler is with her , Emmett is behind them, then it's Edward. Jasper is following Edward with Alice in the car with him.

Stormy pulls up behind Rosalie but she parks in the driveway. Emmett parks behind her and they all head inside. Esme has made up some snacks for Stormy.

"Stormy, this is Esme, my mom for all intents and purposes," Emmett introduces as soon as Carlisle comes downstairs, more than likely heading toward the hospital. "And this is Carlisle. Carlisle, Esme, this is Stormy Swan."

"Welcome, hun," Esme coos. "I'm going to finish with these snacks."

"Stormy," Jasper speaks from the staircase, "lets get started, shall we?"

Stormy agrees and she follows Jasper upstairs. Oddly enough, she isn't surprised by how clean Jasper's room is. There doesn't seem to even be a single speck of dirt. The books are all neatly im a bookshelf that is as the wall, the books are labeled by author...

"Best author to the amateurs," Stormy acknowledges.

Jasper stands beside her with a smile. "Yahoo did you know that?"

"My bookshelf is the same way... A lot of the same authors, too," Stormy replies. "Impressive." She looks around and sees his bed made so neatly, one could bounce a quarter off if it.

"You're smart," Jasper points out as he gets a poster board from his closet. "Why do you like Emmett, again?"

"Dude, shut up!" Emmett whispers but jasper hears it as a yell.

Stormy grins. "I don't know. I guess I see past the goofiness."

Jasper smiles again.

"Ah, he smiles," Alice teases as she leans against the door. "You guys doing good in here?"

"Yes, we are fine, Alice," Jasper replies, he has a happy glint in his eyes. "We are fixing going start..."

"Oh! Of course," Alice chirps. "Come and have a snack when you're finished, Stormy. Esme is always thrilled to feed a hu.... feed other people."

Stormy nods. She knows Alice was going to say human but she pushes it aside as she walks over to Jasper's well organized desk. Alice gives Jasper a look before she skips out. Stormy grabs a black sharpie and she goes to Jasper. They're doing a brainstorm about the war given.
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After finishing the project, it's around midnight and Esme called Charlie for the Swan. Charlie said that Stormy could sleep over since it's so late already. Esme got the guest room beside Emmett's room all fixed up as soon as she got off the phone.

There is a huge queen sized bed in the center of the room with a crimson rug under it. A cedar dresser along one of the walls, a walk-in closet, a window that covers the walk with a dark blue curtain covering it.

Stormy is in love with the room and when she lays down, a sound of content escapes her lips as she pulls the blankets up to her chin. She smiles as she falls asleep, without dreams this time.

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