Chapter 4

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"Party planning time!" Cyborg squealed.

Cyborg pulled out a checklist and looked at it. He turned to face Starfire and Raven, who were helping him out/sitting on the couch.

"Alright, we need...

"Balloons, streamers, wall decals, huge tables, little tables, chairs (but not just any chairs, they need to look all dark and old, so they're awesome and vintage), we need fabric to make some curtains for some stuff, plus a bunch of other things I can't be bothered to list. So, it's Monday. We have until Saturday to get all these decorations, plus food, and more. Raven, you take care of food. Star and I will do everything else. Before we start, any questions?"

Starfire and Raven looked baffled.

"Good!" Cyborg walked off, still looking at his list.

Starfire got up. "Let's get started!"


Star stopped, midair.

"Let's talk," Raven told Starfire.

Star sat back down.

BB and Robin were brainstorming ideas for the perfect song for Star, in Beast Boy's bedroom. BB strummed his guitar and Robin wrote constantly in his notebook.

"Bro, I just got the best idea EVER!" Beast Boy declared. "Listen."

BB pulled out an iPod, selected a song and gave one of the earphones to Robin.

About three minutes later, Robin was quite impressed.

"Good song. Really good," Robin said. "But what's your point?"

Beast Boy got up and started pacing. "Well, my point, is we could just change the words a little and you could sing that."


"But nothing," BB said. "We can pay royalties. After that, it'll be smooth sailing."

"But, I can't rip off a song. That'd be wrong. And...what if Star doesn't like it?" Robin told Beast Boy.

"It'll be easier to do than writing a whole new song. Also, if Starfire's already heard it and hears your version, she'll LOVE IT! C'mon. Why don't we give it a try?"

Robin was hesitant. But Beast Boy pulled out the oldest trick in the book: puppy dog eyes.

"FINE! But if I don't want to do it anymore, I can quit," Robin gave in.

Beast Boy continued playing his guitar. "So, let's practice..."

"What was it you wanted to talk about, Raven?" Starfire asked.

"I kind of regret...not accepting Beast Boy's invitation to the party. Is that normal?"

Starfire stared at Raven, deep in thought. Raven blushed.


"Well, it is great that you are feeling actual emotions, and being open about it. You're making progress."

Starfire got up and started to go away. "Tell me more next time."

"Hang on a second!" Raven said. "Why are you treating me like you're a therapist?"

"Because, I can. Besides, I need to go to my room. It's time to think about everything that has just happened," Starfire explained. "Goodbye."

Starfire flew away, leaving Raven alone in the living room.

(Sigh), I need to pull it together, Raven thought , I need to stop obsessing over this. It's over. I'm not going to the party with Beast Boy, so I won't go at all. But... I really should've said yes. I really want to go to the party with him. But, why? I need to find someone to talk to. Who will help me?

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