Chapter 22: Truly, Madly, Deeply.

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A/N: I know... the chapter title... you can already tell what kinda chapter this bout to be...

also, I keep getting question asking me how long this story is going to be, and to be quite honest... I have not a single clue. Maybe 40 chapters, maybe more, maybe less but just know... I have a lot more in store for Hadie! That's on periodt.



I wake up, and feel nothing beside me. I roll on my stomach, and see he's gone, the sheets moved from where he was, and I find myself pouting.

As I lay on my stomach I ponder, wondering what this means for us. Are we dating? Won't it be messy going home for christmas and telling our parents we're no longer best friends but boyfriend and girlfriend. I don't really plan on keeping it a secret from them...

They're going to find out sooner or later, but I don't know how they're going to take it after knowing they paid for us to live here together as friends, not anything more. Dahlia is going to be through the roof... I just need to figure out what we are first... I hear the soft hum of music outside the door.

He's listening to our song.. Sweet Caroline, and I smile, a devious plan coming into my mind as I do. I pull myself out of bed, and go into the bathroom, brushing my hair out quickly, and then wandering into the kitchen. He cooked breakfast... how sweet.

"Good morning love... Hungry?" He asks, holding up a plate of pancakes. I keep my stern face.

"Listen H..." I mumble, and walk to the side of the counter he's on, coming close to him, but pressing a hand to the counter. He sets the plate down, and returns the same serious expression. "I've been awake for a while just thinking, and I think last night... I mean I think.. It's just you're my best friend, and I think we should keep it that way maybe? Just forget anything happened at all." I mumble, my other hand waving as I speak, and as I start to look up I'm being lifted from the ground by my hips. My butt connects with the counter, and Harry stands between my legs, keeping his hands tight on my hips.

"That's funny... Truly hilarious tell me it's a joke before I cry." He mumbles, and I laugh.

"Botto-" I start to say the word, but he shakes his head, cutting me off with a kiss, soft and warm. Kissing him is like laying on a cloud, I swear. He pulls back, and I wrap my arms around his neck, letting him rest his chin on my chest as he looks up at me. "I actually did want to talk to you..." I state. My tone is more serious this time. He pulls away from me, and walks to the other side of the kitchen, grabbing his drink.

"What about?" He asks.

"This... Us..." I mumble, motioning between us, and he nods slowly.

"That reminds me, I actually have an important question to ask you.." He mumbles, pressing his hands on each side of the counter next to my legs.

"Go ahead.." I mumble, my legs crossed at the ankles in front of me.

"Would you possibly want a raise? I'm thinking best friend isn't enough anymore.. I don't know, the work you put in, the effort, and those damn lips I think you'd do better in the girlfriend position, what do you say?" He asks, and I find myself laughing.

"Is this your way of asking me to be your girlfriend?" I mumble, and he nods. "Ummm, I think I'm going to need three to five business days until I can give you a final-" I start, and he has an eyebrow raised, giving me the "you're so full of shit look"

"Going to need an answer princess..." He mumbles. "Can't kiss you if you say no.." He adds, and I smirk.

"Well if kissing is involved then I guess I can-"

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