Chapter 5: This City.

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A/N: first day of school outfit!!!

I've been in my room blasting music from my speakers for a solid... four hours now? Mostly because I want him to stay away. He's known for quite a long time that when I have my music this loud, it means to leave me alone. He'd come to my house after a long day of school, ask my parents where I was, and they'd say. "Oh, she's in her room listening to music." He'd know right then and there to just go home, and ask me about it later.

In this case, I'm hoping he doesn't ask me about it later, because I'm truly on the verge of mental breakdown city, and classes haven't even started yet.

That's why I'm leaving right now though. I put on clothes, clothes that were my own for once. I folded Harry's putting them on the counter in the kitchen, and I walked right out of the apartment without a word, knowing for a fact that he would be texting me in a few minutes, and when he didn't receive an answer he'd flip out... I'm going to hear an ear full later, but I don't care.

I'm on the subway now, riding down to campus, hopefully going to the registrar's office to get some things sorted out with my schedule. Harry made an easy choice coming here, he knew before I did, but we wanted to go to school together, or relatively close.

I made my decision later on in the second semester of senior year so my things are a little bit out of line. I haven't received a text yet but that could be due to the fact that Harry probably has headphones in with boring classical music to fill his ears while he paints, trying to drown out the sounds of my loud and rather obnoxious music, but it's not on anymore because I'm gone.

I get off the subway, ignoring everyone, avoiding eye contact as much as possible, knowing there's a chance it could lead to conversation. I get to the school, knowing I hardly know my way around the campus, but following the signs as best as I can, finding my way right to the registrar. I pull my phone out with my student information, going straight to the front desk.

"Hi, um.. I'm Marigold Styar, I'm an incoming freshman, and I just got into the city, I was wondering who I could speak to about my courses, and getting everything in order." I tell the young woman at the front desk. She types on her computer quickly.

"What's your student ID?" She asks, looking up to me over the desktop.

"186832." I repeat the numbers, and she types more.

"Let me see what you've got on your screen." She stands up, leaning somewhat over the counter, and a call comes in from Harry. I decline, and show her, but another call comes from him. I decline again.

"Sorry." I mumble, and another call comes in causing me to sigh. "One second." I decline, and click his contact, blocking his number for the time being, annoyed at his persistence. "Here." I mumble, handing her the information.

"Alright, all you really need to do is make sure you're in the right gen ed classes. It says you're undecided on your major on my screen here." She tells me, and I nod.

"I've decided on Journalism, print and online." I tell her, and she sits down, typing and clicking.

"Alright well you're already signed up for your sciences, and maths, all you need now is literature, and it looks like... Oh perfect, there's a slot open for Professor Jenson." She mumbles, talking to herself.

"Is he good?" I ask, trying to make conversation.

"He's the best... Students love him." She tells me, not even looking up, and I raise my eyebrows... perfect. "You also need a history course... Literature, and History are the only two core classes you'll have to take all the way through, they're important for journalism majors." She tells me, and I nod, it makes sense.

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