Chapter 29: Lover Of Mine.

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A/N: I don't want to ruin what happens in this chapter but I have to..

(Assault, mention of rape)
Read at your own risk.


    Finals week. My first ever final week in college. It's been surprisingly easy... Biology, and Math... I guess C's get degrees when it comes to that last one. I've been okay through the week, trying to keep my mind busy, and my studies up. But now... Now is the time to go to Lit. It's an in class essay. We don't know the topic and we have an hour to write it. I feel like it's going to be rough, and for some reason I know that I won't be making a good grade on this... Unless I do what I haven't wanted to do. Either way, after this essay... After everyone leaves I need to try... To try again, plead once more, try my hardest one last time before going to the last resort.

    "Oh thank Satan." I turn to see Krys as I walk into the classroom and I walk up to her.

    "Did you just thank Satan?" I ask, setting my things down as I sit down with her.

    "I've been watching too much Sabrina on Netflix... that's what breaks do to me. You better not leave me the entire Christmas break... So how are things between you and Rapunzel?" She asks, and I roll my eyes at the newfound nickname.

    "Things are great... Really, really great actually.." I smile to myself.

    "So he finally stuck it in?" She asks, and I choke on the air I'm breathing.

    "Krys!" I shove her shoulder, and she furrows her brows.

    "What the hell are you so prudish about? Did you sleep together or not, I'm dyin to know." She mumbles, moving her stuff around.

    "If you must know, yes we did."

    "He's a bottom right? God he seems like such a bottom especially with you." She turns fully to me now, and I can't hold my laughter in.

    "No he's not... Not at all.." I smirk, and she raises her eyebrows.

    "Alright shut up! Quiet down now." Jenson walks in, and she hardly turns her face.

    "You have so much shit to spill later." She whispers, and turns away from me. Jenson starts rambling on and on, and with every other professor I listen, I take note... I try to find reason in all the dumb shit they say, but with him I can't. Everything he says has little to no meaning behind it anymore...Now that I know his true colors.

After he talks for way too damn long we start, a large timer set at the front of the class, all of us with our laptops out, typing away. I lose myself in the words, planning, and then writing the essay, and by the time the timer goes off I have gold in front of me... I know it's good. Things have changed with me.. The way I work, and do things, but I still work well under pressure. I kicked ass today.

    "Send them to my school email right now or no credit!" He calls out, and I send mine in, closing my laptop. I wait for the students to file out, staying in my seat.

    "You want to walk to the cafe?" Krys asks, and I shake my head.

    "I need to talk to Jenson.." I tell her, and she nods.

    "Call me then." She nods, joining the rest of the group as they walk out. Jenson eyes me as I walk down the stadium stairs, and he grabs his briefcase, turning on his heel, and going to his office.

    "Hey... Hey! Jenson, I need to talk to you!" I shout, and he stops in front of his office.

    "So talk." He spits out. "Office please." He opens the door, and I hesitate. "I will not speak to you out here. I don't know what dumb things you're trying to talk to me about, and I'm not trying to get myself in trouble here." He motions again. It will be fine, just stay away from him. I go inside, and stay against the wall as he walks past.

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