Marigold Styar has been best friends with Harry Styles since before she can remember. That doesn't mean she doesn't see him as more.
As they embark on the new journey of college, and sharing an apartment together in the big city will he finally giv...
I lay on her bed, my sketchbook on the mattress, my pencils spread around, one of them in my hand, shading on the pad. My hair hangs around me as I look down to the practically finished drawing. I need to stop now or I'll keep adding and end up hating it. If I stare at it too long I'll end up wanting to just crumple it up and throw it away.. It's happened too many times before with the drawings I've made of her.. I know I'm good at art but am I good enough to draw something as beautiful as her? No, I'm not, no one is...
"Goldie... Why do you take a hundred years to get ready?" I mumble, hanging my head.
"I'm coming, I'm coming, don't be grumpy." She huffs as she walks out of her bathroom. She's wearing a tight white short sleeved top along with black jeans, her hair straight and down.
"Marigold I told you to dress warm... That's not warm." I mumble to her as she walks past.
"What you don't like what I'm wearing?" She turns around to me, looking straight at me. I sit up on the bed, my legs hanging off and on the floor now. I open my arms, signaling her to walk forward, and she does, moving right to me.
"You look perfect... Right out of a magazine type of perfect.. I just know you're going to get cold, and I am going to need my jacket tonight so.. Jacket, now." I raise an eyebrow to her, and she rolls her eyes, trying to turn but I turn her back by her hips, tilting my chin up to her. She leans down, pressing a soft kiss to my lips, and stops as she leans up, her eyes traveling right past my head.
"What's that." She clasps her hands in front of her, getting a bashful glow on her face, and the softest mile. She's so adorable... I look back, and see the sketch book.
"Oh.. Uhm, it's you.." I mumble, and pick up the sketch pad, looking back at the drawing.
"Let me see..." She whines, and I hold it..
"Let me stare at it, and make sure I don't hate it before-"
"Noooo! Every time you say that you end up tearing it up, and throwing it away, I wanna see it..." She whines more, and I sign, passing her the sketch book.
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"You're so good at this..." She shakes her head, sitting down on my knee as she stares at the drawing. "You know people are going to be fighting over your work one day... Well after you stop painting me, and drawing me.. No one will want that." She shakes her head, and I look up to her smirking.
"Would you believe me if I told you one of my paintings of you was purchased and put into a young artist section at a real gallery.." I mumble to her, knowing I was going to wait to tell her when we were out tonight.
"Are you serious right now?" She looks at me instead of the drawing now.
"Yes... I got an email a day or two ago from the professor you met, he told me about the offer, and of course I accepted, but that's not all..." I smile at her, leaning back.