Chapter 32: Fallen So Young.

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    I met with the dean of students yesterday, and showed him the video. I told him my story, told him every single thing I could think to tell him, and he was so apologetic, so understanding, so kind. He was angry too, he was angry that anything like this happened. He told me that professor Jenson would be taken care of, and I nor any other student would have to worry about him or anyone like him ever again.  After I came home Harry took me to get ice cream, and to walk around the city because he knows I love to do it, especially when the sun is setting.

That brings us to today though... Right now. The only time Harry and I really separate from each other is when I have to get myself ready for something. Right now I'm looking in the mirror, checking myself, making sure I look perfect... Feel perfect for the night.

    "Marigold, we have to leave! Are you ready love?" He calls out to me, and I push out a breath. It's going to be fine, I don't know why you're still nervous around him. I grab my clutch, and walk out of my bedroom, moving into the living area, and his eyes catch me. His eyes catch me, and his lips part, his hand coming up to his jaw to run his hands over it roughly. I take another step, and he holds his hand up. "Stay.. Stay right there, let me look at you.." He mumbles, and it's like his words are caught, his eyes soft and glossy.

" He mumbles, and it's like his words are caught, his eyes soft and glossy

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    "Come on.. We have to leave." I smile, feeling nervous under his gaze.

    "I can take a few extra minutes to appreciate the way you look tonight...." He mumbles, and I take him in fully. He's wearing all black. Black pants, and a black button down it's complete with his black neck tie hanging loosely around him, resting on his chest. The black coat jacket fits him well, all of his clothes are perfect... I'd be bold enough to say his fashion sense is far better than my own.

 I'd be bold enough to say his fashion sense is far better than my own

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    "We're opposites tonight." I mumble, looking between the pure white of my dress, the white shoes I wear, and his all black.

    "I think it's only fitting." He smiles, finally coming to me, holding my perfectly made up face.

    "How so?" I ask seeing him look down on me.

    "Angel, and devil.. Dark, and light." He mumbles, and I shake my head.

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