The concert

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y/n pov

I woke up to my alarm, so I took my phone and checked what day it was. "FOOK, Aida it's concert day" I yelled getting to her room. She looked at me with tired eyes and I felt a pain to my arm and when I looked at it there were bandages over it. A tear rolled down my face and she got up and hugged me tight. "Please never do this again y/n, I was so scared I didn't sleep." I checked my phone it was 7h in the morning and we needed to be at the venue at 18h and the show started at 21h. "Since we need almost an hour to get ready you have 10 hours to chill and or sleep so you can just relax and I'm going to get Starbucks."

Dom's pov

I was with my mates on the tour bus and since it was going to be a long day I decided to pay coffee for everyone. We parked outside a Starbucks and once inside there was this beautiful girl ordering her drinks. She turned around and saw me her jaw dropped. "OMFG!!! You're YUNBLUD!!!" she shouted. "Yeah, I'm just getting drinks for my friends." I said while giggling and ordered my drinks. "Y'a probably know that I have a concert tonight so if y'a want I can give you're name to the security and joined us backstage!" I said hoping she would say yes. She nodded and I realised i didn't know her name." hm so what's your name luv?" I asked smiling like an idiot. "y/n" She responded quickly. "Dom, can you put the name of my friend on your list please?" she asked. "Yeah what's her name dear?" "Her  name is Aida" And at that moment the lady handed us our drinks and we said goodbye. "What took you so long bruv?" Adam asked. I explained the boys that I met the most gorgeous girl ever. " Oi is Dommy in love?" Michael added "You're just jealous anyway you're going to see her and her friend tonight."

y/n pov

When I got home I went to give Aida her coffee she asked me why I looked so happy I explained her that I met YUNGBLUD and that tonight we would be allowed backstage. "So you fookin met Dom you didn't even get a picture but you got us allowed backstage!!!" she exclaimed visibly excited. "So it's 4h30 pm so I'm going to take a quick shower and then we'll dress up!" I said while walking towards the bathroom. I washed my haired then my body and I got out. I looked at myself in the mirror a little then dressed up and blow-dried my hair and curled them. "Aida can you help me with my makeup please!" I shouted from the bathroom she entered and we both looked at each other in amazement and did our makeup helping the other here and there.

 "Aida can you help me with my makeup please!" I shouted from the bathroom she entered and we both looked at each other in amazement and did our makeup helping the other here and there

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(You're makeup plus the piercing and please ignore the random faces)

(Aida's makeup plus the piercing and please ignore the random faces)

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(Aida's makeup plus the piercing and please ignore the random faces)

When it was time for us to go to the venue we went there and instead of waiting we directly went to the security who let us enter. I looked around and spotted dom on stage he looked so cute. Aida introduce herself to the boys while i was going towards dom, he ran towards me and hugged me tight but i didn't want to let go as well. He slowly let me go and introduced me to the others."y'a must be y/n Dom didn't stop talking about you!" Adam said pulling me in for a quick hug "You were right Dom she is pretty gorgeous." Michael added while dom was blushing really hard. Aida seemed to have a big crush on Michael because the two of them have gotten pretty close. "the show is about to start girl so if you want good places you better go" Adam said and we did what we were told to do. We got good places and the lights went off, first Michael got on stage followed by Adam then finally dom. "How are you Toronto?" he shouts in his mic," This song is about parents not always being right!" he blast "JUMP!!!"

"Blah!I was born in a messed up century
My favorite flavored sweets are raspberry amphetamines
I bought a car, Beretta age sixteen
I brush my teeth with bleach
'Cause I ain't got time for cavities
My daddy put a gun to my head
Said if you kiss a boy, I'm gonna shoot you dead
So I tied him up with gaffer tape and I locked him in a shed
Then I went out to the garden and I fucked my best friend'Cause my high hopes are getting low
Because these people are so old
The way they think about it all
If I tried, I would never know
My high hopes are getting low
But I know I'll never be alone
It's alright, we'll survive
'Cause parents ain't always rightDrop a toaster in my bath, watch my mum and dad laugh
See a thousand volts go through the son they wish they never had... Drop a toaster in my bath, watch my mum and dad laugh
See a thousand volts go through the son they wish they never had
They told me casual affection leads to sexual infection
But it's hard to get an erection when you're so used to rejection
Yeah, the teacher fucked the preacher, but then he had to leave her
Had to wash away the sins of a male cheerleader
"Hi! Nice to meet ya, " got nothing to believe in
So let me know when my breathing stops'Cause my high hopes are getting low
Because these people are so old
The way they think about it all
If I tried, I would never know
My high hopes are getting low
But I know I'll never be alone
It's alright, we'll survive
'Cause parents ain't always rightTick, tock, stop the clock
Because I got the feeling that I'm gonna get shot
Tick, tock, stop the clock
Because I got the feeling that I'm gonna get shotMy high hopes are getting low
Because these people are so old
The way they think about it all
If I tried, I would never know
My high hopes are getting low
But I know I'll never be alone
It's alright, we'll survive
'Cause parents ain't always right"He did a couple of other songs but when it came to Anarchist he took the hands of the fans beginning by me leaving me a note "Here's my number ........... and for the meet and greet go to the end of the line I have a question for y'a luv." The note said

A/n: hi everyone so during this corona shit please be safe and wash your hands and there is going to be a part two to this chapter but I was really tired and it's more than 1100 words so hope you enjoy and I might upload part two tonight but don't get your hopes to high please thanks love y'all!

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