Be free

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y/n pov

I heard the door bell ring so I listened carefully and recognize a voice it was Aida's but she was flirty. "hey sexy wanna go to your room?" she said I couldn't believe my ears like whaaaat. I started to hear some banging an moaning and I said to myself that it was time to escape that bastard was distracted. I was taped to a bed so what seemed logic was to get sweaty then the tape wouldn't stick. I started to regulate my breathing so I would get sweaty once I was out of it I reached in my bra and pulled out a bobby pin. "gotcha" I whispered to myself. I pick locked the door and went into the living room then I heard a "BOOM" and I realised that was Aida who just got pinned violently to the wall so quietly I snucked out and ran as fast as I could. (Before going out I stole a shirt from the floor btw.)

Random person pov

I was sitting on a bench when I saw a girl running down the street in only a shirt damn she looked anxious. I got up an ran after her and took her shoulder she jumped back a little then calmed down. "Hi may I ask why you look so anxious" my british accent coming a bit thicker then I thought. "I just escaped my kidnaper I need to hide omg what if he comes back please help me" She said very anxious and about to cry I took her in my arms and brought herback to my house.

dom's pov

I woke up to the sound of Mikey crying so I got up and hugged him asking him why he was crying. "I-I loved Aida dom" he said while sobbing on my shoulder I then thought what if she had her phone on her. I quickly grabbed my phones and tracked hers yesss it said that she was moving so maybe she escaped idk then it stopped so we went there.

Y/n pov
I went to that girl place and realized I didn't know her name. "Hey umm what's your name?" I asked while removing my shoes "oh yeah I'm Sophie sorry" she said while rubbing the back of her neck "don't be you saved me and I'm y/n btw" I said and there was a knock on the door Sophie told me to grab a chef knife and hide behind the other door that was at the other end of the place. I did as I was told to. "Is y/n still here" a thick British accent said I quickly dropped the knife and jumped into his arms he looked tired and his eyes were puffy. Sophie stood there shocked like if she was about to cry. "Omg hi I'm such a big fan" she quickly said while dom hugged her quickly. " And who are you " he said in a sweet voice." I saw y/n running down the street so I helped her out" "would you like to come with us you seem like a nice girl" he asked her. She nodded and we went back to the bus. ( so her phone was in her bra btw because I don't think I've said it oop)

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