Back together? I'm not sure

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Sophie's pov

From the corner of my eye I could see y/n talking with dom so I decided to not bother them and concentrate on Colson. "Hey gorgeous" He said as he plopped down next to me on one of the couches. I blushed at his words "Hey handsome" I called back giggling "ooo so now that y/n is all over dom again I get to be called handsome huh?" He said scooting closer to me I blushed harder turning my gaze to the flor avoiding eye contact. He putted a finger under my chin and forced me to look at him gently yet so rough. "Look at me" he said sweetly "Well I'm looking" I said with another giggle and before I could say anything he had his lips on mine it took me second to realize what was happening before I began to kiss him back.

y/n pov

I could see Sophie kissing Colson and it remembered me when I was with dom, I slowly started to zone out but quickly got back to reality when I felt a nudge on my shoulder. "huh what sorry I kind of zoned out." I said staring at the floor. "Everything alright luv" he asked "oh hum yeah yeah I'm fine" I lied " ya know I can see right trough you right?" he said "so id like to know what's bothering that beautiful mind of yours." He said "Try next time you cheezy boy" I said laughing but he looked at me seriously "wait you were serious" I said suddenly stopping to joke around. "yes of course I am!" he said I sat back down next to dom "It's just I miss the good old days of just you and me sneaking around with our secret relationship and I know it's mean and selfish but I just wished that bitch never came here and never fucked with your mind I just wished that everything could fall back in place but it will take time and I know it but I dont feel like waiting that long to feel your lips back on mine and your hands wandering on my body" I blurted out the last part barely audible. "oh..." he just said "do you want to go back to my place so we can talk properly without them making out right beside us?" he said a light giggle in his voice "yeah" I said returning his giggle. On the way back we stopped for food and went at his place it was a nice house. We went to living room and he plopped down on the couch and signaled me to join him. "there you go" he said shoving a fry in my mouth as he did so I laughed causing me to choke on the fry slightly. "HAHAHAH" Dom was laughing hysterically beside me as I tried to stop choking on that damn fry." You psychopath are trying to kill me or what" I said couching a little. He stopped laughing and got up so I got up after drinking a little water. He started to walk towards me slowly so I was walking back slowly only to hit a cold wall I swallowed hard as he kept approaching...

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