"Just let me explain"

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dom's pov*Flashback*

ring ring ring

"Hi bitch so how did you do it" someone said to ash through her phone. I was about to leave when she answered. "I just kissed him on a video and that little hoe got jealous and broke with him now I can use him to get famous." Heck no. "you're so smart gurl" her friend said and I couldn't take it anymore. "so you are using me for fame huh" I said walking in. "I'll call you later" she whispered before hanging up. "it's not what you think" she quickly said "I think I heard correctly I quote 'now I can use him to get famous'" I say raising my voice at her just a bit. "I mean what did you except" she answered "something nice but coming from you I should have known it wouldn't happen" I say angrily. She lets out a giggle and I give her a puzzled look."it's been what 2 weeks dom *giggle* you didn't actually liked me right" at her words my heart sank a little more. "Just go and don't bother coming back"I say now sad she took her things and left after that I didn't feel the same maybe if i had said no to that shitty collab y/n would still be with me right now. *end of flashback*
Anyway today was the day colson Travis and I would go record to the studio and right y/n is coming I should try to explain myself to her.(time skip to the studio brought to you by Ellon Musk's new son that I cannot say properly his name) I was sitting behind the microphone practicing when colson walked in followed by Sophie and finally y/n she walked in stunning as always with her head up and looked so much better without me but I needed her as much as selfish it can sound. I walked out of the recording room and went towards her she looked a bit lost."hey may I sit here" I said she looked at me and slowly nodded almost painfully. "Hi so umm look can I st least explain what happen" I say anxiety present in my voice. "Go ahead" she said with a sight. "So look y/n kissing that hoe *clenching his fists* wasn't my plan she did it on purpose because she wanted me for fam." "Oh..."she said trailing off not knowing what to say "how did you find out about it" she asked her words hitting me like a knife but she deserved to know about the fight. "*sigh* look luv ya know I walked into the room she was talking on the phone and said I quote 'I just kissed him on a video and that little hoe got jealous and broke with him now I can use him to get famous' I couldn't handle it so I just said to her she could go and not bother coming back. " a tear fell down my cheek and she quickly wiped it away and brought me in for a hug rubbing soothing circles on my back. "You didn't deserve that dom I'm so sorry i thought going away and being able to live without you would be better" her voice broke "but I couldn't get myself to move on." she finished "so we can start again?" I asked and she giggled "it won't be so easy to get me back darling" she answered...

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