The end

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y/n pov

Next morning I woke up snuggling with dom i tried to get out of bed but got pulled back. "you're going anywhere luv" he said his accent thick in his voice. "I love you dom" I said "I love you too y/n" he answered " what do you think about a date tonight huh?" he asked "why do I need to fall for you again" I said playfully "for the free food I'm gonna give ya" he replied with puppy dog eyes "did you just said 'free food'?"i asked giving him all my attention "maybe" he said before getting out of bed and preparing himself for the day.

a/n: hey so I'm finishing this book here but fyi there is two or three other books on there way so stick around if you like Jumanji, marvel, and a mystery book!!!!! and sorry if the end was a bit rushed but I can't wait to publish my new books.

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