The concert (part two)

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y/n pov

I got to the end of the line and waited with Aida for about two hours when we came up to dom he had a big, bright smile and I let out a small giggle. "Can I still have my hug tho" I said while looking at him with puppy dog eyes. "You don't even have to ask luv" he responded while coming to hug me. "So  what you wanted to ask me?" I whisper to him. "oh nothing, nothing" he whisper back with a nervous laugh a the end. "who's down for a beer at the hotel?!?!" he sout quickly changing the subject. So we went back to the hotel and got into the boys room, we got some beers and sat down on the couch talking about random shit. "So what do you do with your free time?" Dom asks me. " I produce music with Aida she makes the beat and I do the lyrics and singing with her help." I said trying to play it off. "OoOoO can we hear it ?" Michael said with a girly voice "because of the voice it a yes" I said while laughing. So, I made them listen to one of our song and they found it amazing. "Would you guys be interested to work with us during the rest of our tour?" Dom asks after consulting the boys. I look over at Aida and she was smiling like crazy so we said yes. " Now what since we all finish drinking" I say looking down to Dominic since we were sitting on the same couch his head on my lap. "movie night, and you girls can sleep here if y'a want." we all agreed and started watching the movie. Half way into the movie I looked around and seen everybody was seeping except me. I started to get lost in my thoughts while crying quietly but I got snapped out of it real quick by dom. "Didn't know you were awake" I said quietly while wiping my tears away real quick. Dom hugged me tight and I hugged back we stayed like this for about 5 minutes but it felt like eternity. "I don't know why your sad but trust me everything is going to be good." He cupped my face and looked at me deeply in in the eyes for again what felt like eternity and I could feel my soul getting snatched. He started leaning in slowly and pressed his soft plump lips against mine and I kissed back, it was full of passion and sweetness. "Yo everyone y/n and dom are mouth fucking!!!" Adam said while dom and I backed of a little from each other we were red af.

a/n hey so sorry for the short chapter but i's really tired so hope y'all enjoy it and have and stay safe during this corona shit luv y'all!

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