11 minutes

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A/n:so just to make it clear I don not hate Halsey and I know she wouldn't act like this in real life it's just for fiction sake. Thanks for understanding and enjoy the story!(btw you can listen to the song just swipe towards the left on the picture up there^^^^)

Adam's pov

There was a knock at the door so I opened it thinking it was dom but instead I saw Halsey. "oh hi is Dominic here we're suppose to do a collab" She said with a voice that got to my nerves. "no he just picked up his girlfriend he should be back at any moment. Would you like to wait in here mean while?" I asked. "yes thank you" she said still with that annoying voice of her's. Dom came back about 5 minutes later with y/n in an over sized t-shirt and an unknown girl. Y/n looked weak and sad she waved shyly her hand before going to her room probably.

Dom's pov

I went inside with y/n and Sophie to see Ashley sitting on the couch I wasn't in the mood but I didn't have a choice that song could be a hit. Y/n quickly stormed off to her room and Ash and I started to work. "So this is more of a love dramatic song so you two will need to act like you are dating" her manager said I could tell Ash had a devilish smile. "what does that mean?" I replied "you guys are gonna do some scene were you'll be close to each other" She answered. Fook this was going to be hard to do I said to myself.

Y/n pov

When I came back I saw Halsey on the sofa ngl she isn't my favourite artist so I went to my room. "Hey y/n what was that about" she said giggling at my reaction. "idk why but I get weird vibes from her and she is a b*tch." I answered truth fully to her we maybe just met but she was already becoming my new best mate."Oof" "yeah ik so im gonna hop in the shower real quick and i'll be back okay?" "okay" (time skip to after the shower brought to you by the disgusting vegies on earth.) I putted on comfy clothes and talked with Sophie for a while "Wait so you're saying you're 'best mate' betrayed you while you were kidnaped by sleeping with your psychopath ex!?!?!" She nearly shouted. I nodded slowly while a tear rolled down my cheek. She hugged me tight and we finished by going to sleep in each others arm.

(Time skip to a day later because that's life)

Today I was going to record the song with Ashley and film the damn video I wasn't really excited for this. But first thing first I was gonna wake y/n up. "morning luv" I said while opening to curtains of the window. (yes they re now in a hotel) "hi dom" she said faking a little smile. "what's wrong luv you know you can tell me if ya want" I said while sitting on the edge of the bed. "nah it's fine I swear" she said while getting up so I left her room so she could dress up.

(another time skip sorry I'm lazy)

We were to the studio when her manager said "ok now you two will lay on the bed and remove your shirts" We did so and laid on the bed they filmed us with the music playing in the background to set the mood but she was getting closer to my face...

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