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y/n pov

I got a ticket for the first plane for Canada and Sophie did the same. (time skip to after the plane brought to you by Goldfish 'the snack that smiles back.') "we can go back to my place if ya want" I say to Sophie while she looks in amazement around her. "you look like a kid that lives it's first winter" I said while giggling she death stares me and we finished by laughing together while walking back to my place which was weirdly near the airport.

big time skip to April

15 missed call and 30 text from Dominic

I sighed and putted my phone down "I'm going for a walk care to join" I yell from my room to Sophie "yass gurl you need to go out a lil" She said with her british accent. So we went for a walk and talked about random things and at some point I ran into someone and fell down "Well rip my ass I guess" I said while giggling and looking up to the guy I just ran into. My jaw almost touching the ground my eyes as wide as they could be there he was the one and only machine gun Kelly. He looked at me with an amused look "well I guess I just got recognized and sorry for your ass..." he paused "y/n" I said still giggling I could feel my cheeks burning hot. We talked for a while and I introduced Sophie to him we were really getting along but it was getting dark. "You two should go back home before it gets too dark do you want me to walk you there?" He said. "yes it would be very nice" I answered. We walked back home and we asked him if he wanted to stay a lil. "we could watch a movie" I said while taking off my shoes "OR WE COULD WATCH BROOKLYN 99" Sophie yelled while sitting on the couch we agreed to watch it about three episode after Sophie was sleeping and Colson was slowly drifting off while I snuggled up to him. I closed the tv and we all fell asleep on the couch.

Colson's pov

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing "Hello mate" my friend Dominic yelled through the phone "what do you want domino" I asked him "I want to d a collab with ya and Travis Barker." he said excitedly "when?" "in a week or so see ya then mate" he said before hanging up "who was that?" y/n said from behind me. "one of my mates he want to do a collab" "ooooo that sound fun" Sophie said while opening the fridge to eat something.

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