Apologies accepted

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I felt my back hit a cold wall as dom kept getting closer pinning me to the wall. "Im not trying to kill you but I'll be the death of you" is all he said as I gulped hard dom took both my wrist pinning them above my head and started to kiss me the kiss started to get more and more heated he released my wrist to sneak one hand under my shirt and one on the small of my back. My hand instinctively tangling in his hair and behind his neck as he started to suck on my neck quickly finding my sweet spot as I let a small moan escape my lips. As he got closer to my collar bone leaving bite marks he pulled away getting off both of our shirts yanking them somewhere in the room before attacking my chest. As he reached my still covered breast he reached under me to unclip my bra in one swift move. He started to suck one of them while kneading the other softly he switched to give both as much as attention. Then he gave me sloppy little kiss down my stomach to the waist line of my pants he reached a hand behind me and softly pushed over to the couch bending me over the arm rest. (sorry idk how it's called anyway back to the smut) I let out a small whimper telling him how wet I was as I felt more and more needy for him. He reached under me and undid my pants pulling them down he slightly rubbed my pussy. "so wet for me already huh?" he said in a husky voice all I could let out was another moan as he pulled down my panties and without warning he started to tongue fuck me. At some point I was a hot moaning mess and I was near my orgasm. "fuck dom I'm gonna cum" I moaned as he started to rub circles on my clit "cum for me baby girl" he said his voice pushing me off the edge as I came all over his face, wave of pleasure hitting me like bullets. Before I could even ride down from my high dom was already pushing himself into me. "fuck you're so tight y/n" he grunted not letting me adjust properly to his size he started thrusting in and out of me slowly at first "dom faster and harder please" I practically begged him as he started to go faster and harder hitting my g-spot almost making me scream, I felt the knot building up in my stomach he pulled out only to turn me around and slamming back into me. His messy black hair falling in front of his eyes as beads of sweat were running down his face. "ugh dom I'm so close" I moaned as I felt the knot growing tighter and tighter. "me too baby girl cum with me" he said his voice pushing me off the edge as dom pulled out of and came all over my stomach and tits. He walked out of the living room still panting only to come back with a towel and clean us up. "still down for the food?" he asked looking over at the probably cold food. "yeah of course I said dressing back up and sitting down next to him. "I love you dom" I said as I shoved a fry in my mouth he laughed a bit at me before saying "I love you too and try not choking on it this time alright."

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