polygraph eyes

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y/n pov (Flash back)

"So are you ready for that party y/n" Zach asked me I nodded and putted my shoes on we walked to his car and got in once we were at the party we started drinking."3 vodka shots for me" I said after drinking my second beer. So I downed my shots one after one and my vision was starting to get blurry when I felt arm snake around my waist. " You seem pretty bad luv here have my boots I'll walk you home." The man said I tried to talk but no words would come out of my mouth. he basically held me because I was stumbling. I don't remember anything else except waking up in a foreign room with blue sheets. I got a call and didn't care to check who it was I just answered. "You motherfucking slag, you cheated on me well it's over go have fun." I was crying at the top of my lungs trying to explain him what happened but he wouldn't understand. "Don't leave me here you're the one I love." was the last thing I said before he hung up. I sat there crying when someone came up to me it was a gorgeous girl and she offered me some help and I explained her what happened and she helped me trough it she said her name was Aida.

(end of the flashback still your pov)

I woke up to everyone surrounding me. "did I die or something what happened" I said while getting up I got a nervous laugh from them then dom took me to the roof of the bus to explain me what happened. "So you blacked out after receiving a text we were so worried are you good luv?" I nodded while looking at the floor/roof of the bus. I wanted to tell him so bad but he would judge me and he would probably think I'm trouble and leave me alone. "If there is anything I can do you let me know I'm here for you" I smiled a little and looked into his hazel green eyes they are so mesmerizing we made eye contact for what seem like an eternity. we sat there in silence for a while but a good silence. " actually can I have some water please" I said after a while with a small giggle. He giggled a little as well then got up. "Give me a minute and I'll be back he said before getting off the roof. I lost myself into my thoughts but I got quickly snapped out of it by some arms sneaking around my waist. "Dom that was fast and since when you're so quiet" I said but got no response instead I felt a cold metal on the side of my head...

a/n: Hi so sorry for the cliff hanger but it's really fun to do and it keeps the tea going btw a big thanks to Yungbludpinksocks for helping me with the story luv y'all

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