The tour bus

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(Time skip to the first day on the bus the night before they packed and went on the bus enjoy)

Dom's pov

I woke up on y/n lap and she was zoned out but she looked peace full so I tried to move slowly but she saw me and pulled me back gently. "please stay I want cuddles and ki huh just cuddles." she said while blushing (they change position she is now sitting on his lap) she buried her face in my neck while I snaked my arms around her. " You might get kisses tho" I whispered in hear giving her a cheesy smirk which made her blush even more maybe she did like me nah how an angel like her could love a guy like me. Y/n snapped me out my thought by putting her hand under my chin making me face her I was about to speak but she started kissing me the sexual tension between us was noticeable but the kiss was getting more and more sloppy as I was snaking my hands under her shirt. "Hey dom I... oh dear god my innocent eyes!" We pulled back and laugh awkwardly. "well I wanted to say that we're here and we are getting food." Adam said but before he could go out y/n said "First, you say nothing of what you saw (death stare to Adam), Second where are you going?" "we're getting maccies you two coming?" He said and y/n and me yelled yes at the same time. We went to get our food y/n got nuggets and fries "I'm going to take a happy meal please"(after getting their commands) "why did you take a happy meal dom you're still going to be hungry they are for kids" she tell me while laughing "Because I wanted to piss you off" I say laughing arder.

y/n pov

I sat with Aida considering I didn't talked to her that much since yesterday night(when you kissed dom)."So what's up?" I ask "I could ask you the same question about you and dom you two kissed yesterday during the movie while we were sleeping you sneaky bitches." She says while laughing I let out a small giggle and say "you should have seen us this morning" in a quiet voice "oooo spill the tea sis" "well he got up and I use the old please stay trick and we kissed it could have got a bit further if Adam didn't interrupt us" I say while laughing.

(Time skip to after the concert and back to the bus because I'm lazy)

(Still y/n pov)

I went straight to bed because I was tired and putted on my headphones on and started listening to 21 pilots. I felt tears escape my eyes one by one while my thoughts were running through my head like crazy.

dom's pov

Once we got into the bus y/n went to our shared room yeah well I sleep on the couch but my clothes are there. So I decided to go check on her to make sure she's good. When I got to her room I saw her crying with her music sitting on her bed I hesitate for a sec whether or not to go but it was best to help her. I carefully put her headphones down she didn't move so I decided to speak. "I'm not going to ask if you're fine since I can see you're not but I hope ya know I'm her for ya girl no matter what." she quietly nodded so I thought she didn't want to speak."dommy, please stay I don't want to be alone tonight" she says so we cuddled up and she drifted off to sleep before me since I was still pretty confused but soon enough I drifted off as well.

a/n  Hi everyone so I really wanna know if you prefer short chapters every day or longer chapters every two days so please drop your opinion in the comments thanks!

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