A slap from the past

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y/n pov

I felt a cold metal to the side of my head and a familiar voice told me to get up. I stood there in shock there he was pointing a gun at me, why now why is it always when life is good? "Z-Zach what are you doing here" I slurred out. "Watcha thinking you hoe I have a motherfucking gun in my hands I've been stalking you and now that I found you your going to pay." He said with a diabolic smile he pushed me to the ground and pointed his gun to the middle of my face. As he was about to pull the trigger I closed my eyes but nothing happened. "Seriously why now huh anyway you hoe are coming with me if you talk I knock you out don't try to scream I have fiends around and they have bullets in theirs. He took my wrist with a strong grip and pulled me down of the roof then he walked towards a car and throwed me in the trunk.

Dom's pov

I went back to the roof to give y/n some water but she wasn't there. "FOOK THAT SHIT MAN" I screamed into the night. Soon enough I was crying uncontrollably and everyone was around me. "What happened mate were is y/n" Adam asked. "She-She disappeared she asked for water and when I came back she wasn't here. She probably runned away from me" I said while crying even more I didn't deserved her and she is probably better off without me now. "Don't say things like that dom there's got to be an explanation to this." Mikey said while pulling me in for a hug. Aida seem more worried than us like if she was having a panic attack she went back into the bus saying she was tired. Mikey looked at me and told me there was something we didn't know and he was going to discover it.

Aida's pov

The boys needed to know about y/n past but she wouldn't want to but what if it was Zach again who kidnap her maybe she was already dead what am I going to do??? I decided to say that I was tired and go back to my room I was starting to get paranoid but at the same time she deserved what she was getting Zach was a good guy he just lost his mind on y/n he deserve much better. He deserved someone like me. But I got snapped out of my thoughts by Mikey great. "Hey sweetheart you stormed off and I was wondering if there was something we didn't know" he said while trying to move closer to me huh sweetheart really. "Hmm actually y/n never opened up about her past but I guess it's now my job to tell you guys." I said while pushing him away and walking towards the living room thingy. I told them the story of Zach and everything but I putted it in different way to make it seem like she was a slag.

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