Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: The Capitol

I stared out the window as the country side we were used to fly by at the speed of 200 kilometres an hour. I watched as the mountain we called home shrank to a tiny dot on the horizon and then vanished for good. I lost interest looking out the window and stared around the car. To my delight, there was a grand mahogany table in the centre, just like home.

Ellie was talking to Lucy, our oldest remaining tribute of the 49th Hunger Games. Alec stood leaning against the wall, three metres from my position and Cody was with Jerrod, winner of the 52nd Games. The train was quite boring, seeing as no one was really talking.

The train hit a jolt in the tracks and Alec's icy blue eyes flew up in alarm and then calmed down as my blue-green eyes met his. I walked over there and sat down on a couch near where he stood. He followed suit soon after, plonking himself down next to me.

"Shall we discuss the main hazard?" I asked him. He looked confused so I gestured to his brother. He nodded and smirked.

"He's not so bad. Give him a little while to show his full potential." Alec said, nicer than he should have. I groaned.

"Why?" I whined, "What can he do?" I asked impatiently.

"You'll have to ask him that yourself. Right now, you two should watch the other reaping's." He stood up and pointed to the car behind us.

I grumbled as I followed Alec to where Cody was sitting. I didn't catch much of the conversation, but it was basically the same as what he told me. Better for you to watch the reaping's. Cody dismissed himself from his conversation and I lead him the next car where we found a television set all nicely set up.

I turned it on and we both sat in silence, watching as the other tributes got reaped, counting out District 2 because they all volunteer. Capitol lapdogs. They make me sick. But if we were to join the Careers, I must grit my teeth and stick it out. I try to mainly focus on the Career districts or anyone who looks like a big threat, but when there are emotional scenes of parents screaming and crowd whispers, it's heartbreaking.

From District 1, there was a tall, brown haired boy who volunteered. He was followed by a blonde girl with bright green eyes. I am not looking forward to seeing her in the arena. She's the type of girl that Cody could get on easy with. From 2, plenty of volunteers, but the ones who get it are a smallish, brown haired girl with freckles and a petite figure. The boy, well, let's just say, he was hot! Huge muscles, cocky smile, blonde hair and bright blue eyes, he was absolutely gorgeous.

After seeing him, I didn't pay much attention to 3. When it got to four, I brought myself back to reality. The girl looked decent, but the boy looked barely older than twelve. He's not going to be much use. After that, I stop paying attention. Only a few catch my eye; the sly looking girl from five, might I say with bright red hair. I hate rangers. It's just something I have never liked. The boy with the crippled foot was also a standout, along with the tiny girl from 11 and her HUGE partner. He must be at least 6'5", completely towering over her. The last was the volunteer from 12, their very first. A little girl was chosen, and then another volunteered, sounding so desperate.

Then, it was District 15. I watched as Cassidy's name got pulled out, then me volunteering. Then Cody came after me. The Capitol insignia followed the end of our reaping. I turned to Cody.

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