Chapter 10

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WARNING: If you take offense to profanities, sorry for the language in this chapter. I'm really sorry but it just suits the scene.


Chapter 10: We are officially stuffed, literally

I rolled out of my sleeping bag and found that Marvel, Ethan and Cody were all up.

"Trust the two from 2. They are sleepy heads. They always sleep in." Smirked Marvel. I shrugged.

"Maybe they need their beauty sleep. After all, I bet all that training comes with a price." Cody remarked. We all had a laugh. Eventually, Cato and Clove got their sleepy butts outside.

"Let's go and get some tributes today!" Clove put an evil smile on her face. We all nodded.

"It's about time for some good action." Cato said, looking over the treetops, "And I think that I've found our first target of today." We all looked over and saw a small amount of smoke rising above the trees. Found it kind of suspicious, but it was quickly disregarded.

"Let's go!" Marvel shouted. We all grabbed our weapons, left Ethan with a spear to protect the camp and we blundered off into the woods.

The fire was our main target, but on the path there, we found the boy from 10. Clove smiled devilishly.

"Well, fancy seeing you here." She grinned maliciously, "So sad, you made it this far. I praise you." She advanced on the limping boy. I wondered what was wrong with his leg as he started to turn and run away.

"Oh, you think you're just going to run away from us?" Clove called mockingly.

"Sorry to burst your bubble genius, but it's not gonna work!" Cody yelled as Clove threw her knife, impaling the boy's back. He fell to the ground, barely clinging onto life. He twitched for a couple of seconds and then became still. The firing of his cannon proved that he was dead.

"Well, that's another one down finally!" Cato smirked at the dead body of the boy.

"We've been looking for one for a while. Glad to see one showed up!" Marvel continued.

"Let's get back to our main focus, the fire." Cody put in.

"Right! Let's go."

We jogged briskly in the direction of the fire. I couldn't help but gaze at the boy. I wondered what his family would think of us. Taking advantage of a crippled boy, it doesn't seem fair. Oh well, that's the Hunger Games for you. I bet they wouldn't have cared if that boy killed Cassidy. She would've been just another opponent that would get him closer to going home. That thought clouded the ones of remorse for the boy. I turned away, heartlessly, and followed the others.

Soon enough, we found the fire. A fire filled with green leaves and plant litter, lots of green to give off lots of smoke. I kicked the fire angrily and then it caused a thought to cross my mind.

"Oh, crap!" I yelled and made a beeline for the Cornucopia. All the other Careers were right on my tail, following me blindly. They had no idea what I was doing, but I knew. That fire had to be a trap, a distraction to get us all away from the Cornucopia, and our supplies.

The, the sound that I had been dreading most blasted through the whole arena. BOOM! I felt myself fly backwards along with all the others. I flew in the air for about five seconds before I felt myself fall and land on something relatively soft. Confused, I opened my eyes and saw that I had landed on Cato's stomach and I could tell that I had winded him.

"Sorry!" I squealed, getting off him straight away.

"No... Problem." He puffed, sitting up straight.

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