Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: The Waiting Game

Light flooded the entrance to the Cornucopia. I pricked my ears as I heard the distant call of a Mockingjay. I smiled because it reminded me so much of home. Usually, when we started to hear the Mockingjays calling, it meant it was time to head back home as the daylight came. I had to shake my head to clear it. I was still kind of used to waking up to darkness, not bright light. It still felt strange.

That thought brought me back to my district. Were they all up watching Cody and I, or were they asleep after a long night's work. I knew Cody's and my families were probably together since they were friends. They were both praying that at least one of us will come home victor. I just don't want to let my parents down, but I would rather die than go home knowing that Cato and Cody will never come back.

I gently opened the sleeping bag and walked outside into the sun. I managed to comb my hair and tie it up. What really surprised me was that the Capitol, so obsessed with beauty, hair free bodies, and neat presentation and so on, didn't supply one hairbrush. I may act like a tomboy at times, but it doesn't mean that I don't want to tie my hair up nicely. I slowly dragged my fingers through my hair and I could feel knot after knot. It was starting to really bug me.

I noticed that Marvel was still awake. He had been the last person on duty. I smiled and waved to him. He cheered up, now knowing that someone had woken up so he wouldn't have to be alone anymore. He liked having attention, a lot of it.

I walked to the supply pile and searched through the food supplies. I knew the others would be waking soon so I most as well have breakfast ready for them, although I really thought that we should be hunting for our food instead of basically getting it presented to us on gold platters. I found some eggs and toast. Marvel made a small cooking fire and I gently cooked the eggs and toast.

Just to prove my theory, all the other tributes came out bleary eyed and half-awake as Marvel and I were eating our eggs on toast. We hadn't talked much; in fact, we didn't really talk at all. I didn't mind. I was still half asleep anyway. I gestured the remaining eggs and toast to all the others. They looked happy to get breakfast served to them. Who wouldn't?

"What are we planning to do today?" Asked Marvel.

"Don't know. What could we do?" Cody pointed out through a mouthful of egg.

"Cody, you are so daft. There are 12 tributes still alive in this arena. Has anyone seen a tribute?" Clove wondered.

"Nope. They're probably all keeping a distance from us. I mean, we're scary right?" Cato said.

"Right!" Ethan exclaimed. He was still petrified of Cato. I could see it in his eyes, though I knew he would deny it, no matter what.

I was lost, deep in thought about the other tributes. What could they be doing right now? Starving to death while we are having food so that is so easily within our grasp? Who knows? All I know is that I want these games over and done with before this week is out. That gives us 4 days to kill everyone and leave a lone victor. Easier said than done, I thought.

"Hey, do you guys want to go hunting again today?" Marvel said, though I'm pretty sure he knows the answer.

"What else is there to do in the arena anyway?" Clove said sarcastically.

"True," He said, "But we could always just stay here."

"You are so boring dude." Cody exclaimed. Marvel shrugged.

"Just giving opinions."

"Well, we all know what that does don't we?" I pointed out; bringing us back to the last time Marvel had given his opinion. He blushed slightly and we all laughed at his discomfort.

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