Chapter 15

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Ok, this is something that my friend NinjaCupcakes and I decided to do. We couldn't bear to let our characters die, so we made this up.



Chapter 15: The Truth

I felt a tube protruding out my arm and several needles pricking into me. I was confused. Unless I was dreaming, people who were dead couldn't feel a thing. I shook my head and opened my eyes. I was in a pure white room and it reeked of Capitol cleanliness. I shook my head again. I must be in hell. A continuous beeping made my head hurt and I looked over to my left to find a monitor beeping to its heart's content. I was in a basic hospital room.

I searched the room to find a label and a button above my head. The label read: District 15, Female and the button read: Press for assistance. I decided to press the button to see what happened because I was really confused. My finger hovered over the button as my eyes crossed over a television in my room. It was replaying my death, over and over until my body was taken by a hovercraft. I watched as I whispered my final words to Cato and then I fell limp. His reaction brought massive tears to my eyes.

He was crying, bawling in fact, screaming my name and begging me to wake up. I could tell in his eyes he knew I was dead. Eventually, after he calmed down, he gently kissed my lips, gracefully set my down on the grass, placed a small flower in my hands and walked away, wiping his tears as he went. He spoke a few, quiet words before descending into silence.

"I love you Alexis. Everything I do is for you. I will not fail."

I left the button and brought my hands to my mouth and cried as hard as I could. This was not real, this was not happening to me. I didn't die, I stayed alive and the Capitol knew. My tears were interrupted by a man from the Capitol walking into the room.

"You are awake Miss Harridan. You woke up a lot sooner than we expected."

"Ho... how am I alive?" I asked, hesitantly.

"Darling, we here at the Capitol aren't that cruel. Under President Snow's orders, the weapons and muttations in the Games are realistic, but cannot do any real harm. They give the impression that you're dead. Although you may 'die' in the arena, you don't in real life. We couldn't bear to let all those children die at the Games." He gave me a grave, compassionate look.

"Do you send us home to our families?" I blurted out. His eyes darkened a bit.

"No, we can't do that. You have to stay here for the rest of your life. If the people outside knew that the tributes weren't actually killed, they wouldn't care about their children going into the games."

"So basically, you're all still heartless." I shot at him, disgusted. He shrugged.

"I'm sorry Alexis. But seeing as you are healthy enough, you can come out. There are people waiting to see you."

I was confused. I was still processing the information he had told me. I had people waiting... no... It couldn't be... My thoughts were interrupted by a bone crushing hug.

"LEXI!!! I can call you that right?" A male voice yelled. I couldn't see who it was, but I had a pretty good feeling I knew who it was.

"M... Marvel? Yeah, you can call me that" He broke away and stared into my eyes.

"Yep! We don't actually die!! Isn't that marvellous?" He cocked an eyebrow.

"Still the same old Marvel I knew in the arena." I smirked. He grinned and pulled me into another bone crushing hug. This time, I hugged back.

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