Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: My Nightmare

Clove led me through the double doors that Ethan had gone through and it took us to a huge theatre-like room with a massive screen. I froze when I saw it. I saw Cato pelting for his life. He looked scared, tired and completely out of it all. I had never seen him so broken before. I had never seen him so afraid. I was wondering what he was running from, then the answer came. He burst through some trees and then I saw them. Mutts, the same we battled earlier, came running after him. Marvel noticed my horrified face.

"Lexi, Clove, let's sit down." He spoke kindly. I looked towards Clove. She looked as horrified as I was. Marvel and Cody managed to steer us, petrified, to a couch.

He burst through the trees and ran straight into Fire Girl and Lover Boy. I snarled. I can't believe that he's still alive, that both of them are still alive. Cato took no glances at them and sped on. He should have just killed them there and then with a quick swipe of his sword, but he didn't. They must have caught on quickly because they too were soon pelting after Cato. I could tell that Cato was making a beeline for the Cornucopia, what other place was safer from those giant mutts?

We watched, transfixed. Cato slammed his hands into the Cornucopia, desperate to climb it but he recoiled with a yelp. The metal must be still scalding from the hot midday sun, but he didn't give up. As Cato climbed onto the horn, I breathed a sigh of relief, but then Katniss managed to climb it too. I could tell that she was urging Peeta on, who was hobbling along. Fire Girl managed to pull him up onto the Cornucopia, just in time. Cato managed to gasp,

"Can they climb it?" Fire Girl didn't understand at first, the Lover Boy helped her.

She didn't respond to his question, but she let out a shriek when she looked closely at the blonde mutt, the Glimmer mutt.

"Katniss?" Peeta gripped her arm tightly as he tried to make her explain.

"It's her!" She said, shocked. I fought down laughter. I could make out Glimmer's face in the room and she didn't look impressed.

"Am I really that scary?" She huffed.

"Yeah, you are," whispered Cody in my ear. I sniggered.

"Who?" Peeta demanded. He obviously hadn't recognised her.

Katniss looks around in fright. I lose interest in her and look towards Cato. I can tell he's slowly gaining strength again and he's making a plan, I can tell. The way his lips were pursed together and the sly glint he had in his eye.

"What is it, Katniss?" Peeta asked again, shaking her shoulder.

"It's them. It's all of them. The others. Rue and Foxface and... all of the other tributes." She finally manages to choke out. I saw Peeta's eyes light up and his gasp of recognition told me he understood.

"What did they do to them? You don't think... those could be their real eyes?" Peeta looked disgusted, yet lost in thought. Then I saw something that shocked me. I noticed that Cato was distracted. He was staring at a mutt. Me.

"How do you think they got the mutts to look like us?" Marvel asked.

"Our DNA?" I presumed. Cody nodded in agreement.

"Well, it's definitely not our real eyes and hair is it?" Clove said mockingly. Marvel shoved her playfully.

"Shut up Clove!" I smiled and turned my attention back to the screen.

Cato knew better than to reach down to it, but he was transfixed. I wanted to yell at him, scream, but I knew he couldn't hear me. Then Peeta's cry woke me from my trance. A mutt had gotten a hold of his leg and was dragging him down with it. I could hear Katniss yelling frantically,

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