Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Clove learns to trust nature

I walked back to find Marvel and Rue still lying on the grass. I noticed that Rue had flowers decorating her body. Where Katniss had found the time to do that, I have no idea, but it looked gorgeous. I looked at Rue's tiny form and I closed my eyes and muttered a quick prayer to her family. She didn't deserve to be here. She was too young and innocent. I turned to Marvel's dead body, twisted by the way he fell, the bloodied arrow still in his hand. I gently retrieved the arrow and snapped it in half, vowing to kill her. I said a final word of farewell to Marvel,

"Bye, Marvel. You were absolutely marvellous. You were an amazing friend and I'm sorry to see you go. I'll see you again sometime." And with that, I turned away.

I was walking blindly, going no-where in particular. Cato and Clove made no move to stop me. Clove didn't really know anything about Cody, but Cato did. He knew everything. My daydream was interrupted by the booming voice of Claudius Templesmith,

"Hello tributes! Congratulations on making it this far into the competition. There has been a slight rule change,"

I perked up more. A rule change? There was only really one rule; don't step off your plate before the gong sounds. I suppose that there is the unspeakable rule about not eating the fellow tributes,

"If the two tributes remaining at the end of the Games are from the same district, they will both be declared winners!" He paused and repeated the new rule change, "Now then, may the odds be ever in your favour." He finished, leaving the arena quiet again.

I stole a sly look towards Clove. She smiled devilishly at me, though I knew we were both joking. She threw a knife at me, but it intentionally hit the tree 20 centimetres to my left.

"Oh, you don't want to be doing that Clove!" I smirked, "You two wouldn't last a couple of hours without me!" She returned my smirk.

"Watch your back 15!" She said, before we started bursting into peals of laughter. Cato stood there shaking his head.

"You two are funny." He said sarcastically.

Clove and I died our laughter down and re-evaluated the situation we were in. We had no food, water, no sleeping supplies; no nothing, apart from my small backpack which consisted of; a water container, some water purifier, piece of rope and a first aid kit with some vital medicine. We only had our weapons which I guess had to be enough for now. Twilight was clear over the horizon so we had to act fast.

"Why don't we hunt for some food, and then light a fire so we can cook it and have some warmth throughout the night?" Clove pointed out.

"I would agree, dear Clove, but that would lead Katniss straight to us." Cato said, half sarcastically, half amused.

"I agree with both of you. Yes Clove, which would be a great idea, considering we are the Careers, but we are dwindling and that's when I agree with Cato's argument. Katniss has the bow and arrows. She could shoot us and run away before we knew what hit us."

Clove realised this and pouted. She turned on her heels and walked away. After about 15 metres of walking, she turned around to face us and sat down.

"It's too dark to hunt too!" I nodded. With swords and knives anyway, I thought. If only I had a bow. I was always able to use a bow and arrow, even in the dark, Alec would know that for sure. He had been with me when I trained back home.

"We should all get some sleep at least." Cato stretched out on a bed of leaf litter, "Huddle up too because that would keep us warm." He smirked in my direction. I scowled but inside I knew what he was thinking. He gets a chance to hold me again. I rolled my eyes.

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