Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: The Feast

Morning came fast and I was again wrapped in Cato's arms. This time, I gently prodded his forehead to check he was awake. I suppose the grumble and opening of the eyes proved that he was still whole and well. His bright, crystal blue eyes piercing my blue-green.

"Good to see you're not practically dead this morning." He grinned evilly and wrapped his arms around me tighter.

"I've got you to protect me haven't I?" He whispered in my ear before kissing my cheek.

"Come on, get up now!" Clove yelled at us, mimicking the stupid Capitol accent,

"We've got a big, big, big day ahead of us!" Cato groaned, but freed me from his grasp. I climbed to my feet and faced Clove.

"Have you got any ideas how we're going to hunt today?" Cato asked as he gradually got to his feet.

"There are only a few tributes left. Remind me again, who is there?" Clove asked me.

"There's us, the girl from 5, the boy from 11 and..." Cato cut me off before I could finish.

"Lover boy and Fire Girl." He snarled viciously.

"I'm surprised he hasn't bled to death the bloody traitor." Clove added. I nodded in agreement.

We started walking through the shrub discussing where the tributes could be hiding when we heard trumpets blasting and through the speakers came the voice of Claudius Templesmith... Again.

"Good day again tributes. I have come to invite you to a feast!" We all perked up, knowing that there will be blood spilt.

"Now hold on. Some of you may already be declining my invitation. But this is no ordinary feast. Each of you needs something desperately."

I racked my brains. What did I need desperately? I could easily hunt, kill and cook food, we had a water container full of water and I had water purifier, surely that was all I needed? Maybe Alec had something planned for me. We continued to listen to Claudius,

"Each of you will find that something in a bag, marked with your district number, at the Cornucopia at dawn. Think hard about refusing to show up. For some of you, this will be your last chance." He left his words hanging in the midday air.

Clove turned around to face both of us.

"Well, I guess we don't have to go hunting. They will all show up." She said, determined.

"I know what district 12's will be." I spoke. Cato and Clove rounded on me, "Medicine for Lover Boy. That cut would've at least given him blood poisoning or some sort of infection; it could never heal naturally, so we can bet that Fire Girl will come out all arms blazing." They both saw truth in my words and nodded.

"Well, we better make sure that Lover Boy never receives his medicine, won't we?" Cato snarled.

"If we're going to go to that tomorrow, we might all need some rest." Clove pointed out. We made camp where we were, even though it was midday. I hunted for some food and found a nice young buck. I managed to drag him back without straining myself too much. At least we had some good food in our stomachs and plenty left over for tonight and tomorrow morning.


I felt myself being gently shaken awake by Clove. We had instructed her to do this since we wanted to be ready for the feast. We slowly trudged through the forest, eating deer-on-the-go. It was still quite tasty. We managed to get to the Cornucopia before the sun rose. We had made a plan before, Clove would go in and attack, Cato and I would surround the Cornucopia, killing any tribute that came into sight.

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