Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Training Scores

The next day was a complete blur. It was basically a repeat of yesterday, without all the Cato drama. There was nothing really significant about it, although Marvel did finally get me to battle with the axe. He was showing me offensive and defensive shots and throwing skills. By the end of the day, I had mastered the basics of axe training but it was still my least preferred weapon.

Glimmer had actually decided to join weaponry today. She could swing a sword fairly good, but she was getting the technique wrong. I tried to help her, but no, she wanted Cato. Tough luck. He was getting sick and tired of her flirtatious ways. I think nearly everyone was.

Dinner tonight was a bit more exciting. Cody had asked our mentors what type of arenas they had faced and what we could expect.

"There is nothing really certain about what the arena will be. The will try and make sure that it has at least one characteristic that relates to every tribute. But not always." Lucy responded.

"You could have anything. I had a frozen landscape whereas Jerrod was stuck in a sandy desert and Lucy's was a swamp. Our first winner, Hallie I think her name was, had a mountain range." Replied Alec, satisfying Cody's question. I turned my nose up to the last arena. I don't want to be on another mountain, but I kept that to myself, just in case.

Lucy and Jerrod departed for bed, and Cody and I weren't too far off them. I nodded goodnight to Alec.

"Make sure you get a good sleep. You have your private training sessions tomorrow." Alec said, motherly. I held back a laugh and waved goodbye. Cody stood next to the door of the stairwell.

"Make sure he doesn't hurt you again." He said. I smiled.

"I'm sure that's over now."

"Still, be careful. 'Night Lexi." Cody disappeared into his room and the light switched off.

I entered the stairwell and climbed up to the roof. I was at least half an hour early, but I wanted to see if I could find any stars. As I walked onto the roof, I looked up happily to the sky. There was not a cloud in sight and the air was crisp. I looked around the sky but I could only find one constellation; The Rising, a constellation regarding the rise of Panem and its 15 districts. I raised my eyebrow in disgust. I tried to find my favourite, Mockingjay Flight, which consists of around 20 bird-like shapes in flight across the sky. I had no such luck tonight.

I felt cold hands wrap themselves around me. Cato snuggled his head into my shoulder.

"Aren't you early tonight." He remarked.

"I wanted to see some constellations."

"Huh? What are constepations?" I had to have a laugh.

"You really are all brawn and no brains Cato, but I think it's cute. A C-O-N-S-T-E-L-L-A-T-I-O-N," I spelt it out, making sure he got it, "Is a group of stars joined together to create pictures or stories, like dot-to-dot. But you've got to use your imagination."

"What type of constellations is out there tonight my little astronomer?"

"Not many. I can't seem to find any more than one."

"That's sad. How many do you see at home?" He wondered.

"Over 100. There are so many, but the light drowns them out here."

"Stupid light!" Laughed Cato. I grinned. He was adorable when he made smart comments like that.

Cato and I sat down and talked all night. I found out that his full name was Cato Drew Hastings, he was an only child, he was allergic to hazelnuts, he loved strawberries, he hated centipedes and that he was one of the first 13 year olds to lift 75 kilos. I smiled. This Cato wasn't boasting. He was giving his life story, little pieces that fill the blank bits on a puzzle.

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