Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: First Night

As night fell in the arena, we decided, as the booby trap of mines was not fully completed, that one of us would stay behind and protect the supplies. Cato dumped Marvel onto the job, though he didn't seem impressed by it, but he was happy. Glimmer also volunteered to stay behind. I was happy; at least she didn't have to come with us. They stayed behind as the rest of us crawled into the night. The anthem of Panem played as we trudged through the forest. I looked to the sky to see who had died today.

The girl from 3 was first, followed by the boy from 4. The boy from 5 made an appearance, the boy Cato saved me from. Both tributes from 6 showed and both from 7. They were the two people I had killed. I wonder what their families thought of me. The boy from 8 made an appearance, followed by both from 9. There was one more, the girl from 10 finished the list of the dead and the seal flashed, ending the anthem. I looked back around to the pack.

It was a pretty large one. It consisted of; Cato and Clove, Jazz, Cody, Peeta and me. It wasn't really ideal for sneaking around, but it was easier to split up. Soon, after walking about half a kilometre, we saw a spark and a fire starting to be lit. I smiled and nudged Cato. Idiot. I thought. Yeah, it may be cold, but do you really think that a fire will save your ass? No, because it lights up the area for about a kilometre, letting other tributes know where you are.

I did feel sympathetic, but it didn't last long. To light a fire in the night meant that you must really want to be killed. You most as well grab a fluoro yellow flag and scream at the top of your lungs,

"I'm here, come and get me!" Cody, Jazz and Peeta left us and circled around her. They noted us when they were on the other side of her campfire.

It took a lot of waiting and patience, but eventually, she fell asleep. Then, we charged. We would've woken about everything in the near vicinity, but our prey was drowsy and unable to make an escape. We circled her and made sure she was weapon less. She was the girl from 8, the girl who looked like a clown at the district parade. I smirked, she looked frantic, and she was trying to find a way to escape, without any luck. I watched in the background as Cato pulled out his sword.

"No, NO! Please! Don't kill me please! Please! Have mercy. Please, don't kill me. Please!" She pleaded, but Cato was oblivious to those comments. He raised his sword and her pleads grew more frantic. She started to scream, but Cato brought his sword down on her, silencing it forever.

We burst through the trees, laughing and mimicking her pleading sounds. We started to head further into the woods when Jazz made a good comment,

"Shouldn't we have heard the cannon by now?"

"True. Cato, is she dead?" I said, glad that Jazz made the comment.

"Yes, I struck her myself. She's dead." He snapped.

"Then why haven't we heard the cannon?" Asked Cody.

"Maybe she's not dead." Remarked Jazz.

"I said she's dead!" Yelled Cato, scaring off any tributes within 30 kilometres.

"One of us should go back, to see if she's dead." Peeta spoke up.

"Go on then Lover Boy, if it's the best you can do." Sneered Cato.

Peeta disappeared into the trees we had recently left. About five minutes later, we heard a cannon and Peeta came back. I could only just make out his facial expression in the dim light of the torches.

"She's dead now." He grunted. Cato wrinkled his nose, clearly not impressed. He stayed behind as the rest of the pack moved on into the night. When the others were caught in conversation, I grabbed Cato's hand.

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