Chapter 17

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Chapter 17: Reunion

"We can go and find Ca-," Marvel couldn't finish his sentence as I was already flying to the door. I burst through them and then I realised that I had no idea where I had to go. Luckily, Clove came to my rescue

"Here." She held out her hand, "Come with me. He'll need an explanation first." I nodded, knowing she was right. How confused had I been when I had woken up? Plus, he was just eaten alive by wild muttations, one of them being me. I felt disgusted. I had eaten, or rather the mutt I was, had eaten one of the most precious things in my life. I could never forgive myself, ever, no matter what.

I hardly take notice of my surroundings. Clove forced me into a chair I had no idea where it came from. I fidgeted in the chair, my legs on auto-pilot. I could faintly hear Clove, Marvel and Cody talking to me, but the words were incoherent. I felt Marvel put his hand on my shoulder.

"Lexi!" He yelled, "It might take a while for him to resuscitate. It was meant to take you five hours, but you were strong, obviously, and woke up after two."

"Yeah, it could take him a while." Clove agreed, nodding her head. I nodded in response.

"Or maybe, he's awake now." Cody put in.

"Cody! Shut up!" Seethed Marvel and Clove together. He shrugged and then pointed into the room. We all looked confused and then I heard a scream.

Clove and Marvel reacted on instinct. They grabbed me and pulled me down, locking me in their entwined grasp. I fought viciously as I heard the screaming get worse.

"Here, give her to me." Cody reached out to lift me up but I growled.

"Don't. Touch. Me." As he put his hand near me, I tried to bite it. I raised one eyebrow then said,

"Jab her waist please." I stopped immediately.

"If you do that, you will die!" Cody raised his eyebrows again. Then he jerked his head as Cato's screams rung out through the corridor. I fought viciously against Clove and Marvel again, but Cody had grabbed me and slung me over his shoulder. I thrashed around, kicking and punching every bit of his skin with all the strength I could muster.

He carried me to a closet.

"Lock the door please." He told Marvel. I gave up struggling. His grip was too tight and my blows weren't doing him any damage. We entered the closet and I heard the lock click. Too bad Cody doesn't know I can unpick locks from either side. He set me down on the floor. I looked up from the floor and stared into his eyes. They were the same as Alec's, icy blue and calm. The fraction of light coming in from the door just happened to shine directly on them. Suddenly, I wanted to kiss him. I realised that my whole life, I had loved Alec. He was my best friend, the one I had always looked up to, the one who had always cared for me, but now, there was Cato. No one else. Then I realised that this was not Alec, this was Cody. Cody had taken me away from Cato. I put all the strength I could muster into my left hand then I slapped him right across the face. Hard.

Before I could make a move though, I felt his body pushing me against the wall and his hands grab my wrists.

"Well, one thing is for sure, I definitely don't want to be slapped by you again." He said. I smirked.

"Good. You deserved it. Why the hell are we in here?" I asked.

"So you can calm down. It won't help Cato if you go rushing into his arms as soon as he walks out the door." I glared.

"That's hypocritical. Marvel did that to me."

"Yeah, but you weren't basically eaten alive by a pack of muttations."

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