Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: The Horror that Follows

I woke up to find Cato still stroking my hair lightly. I smiled with my eyes closed still.

"Morning beautiful." He said as I sat up to face him. He winced as I put my hand forward to touch his shoulder.

"Take your shirt off. I'm going to look at it." He obeyed my instant instructions. Blood had seeped well through the bandages. It looked quite bad from the outside. However, when I peeled the bandages off, most of the skin had grown back. Only the deep cut remained which I knew would cause the most pain.

I cleaned his wound and he smiled.

"You look adorable when you concentrate." He remarked. This brought a blush to my cheeks and I looked away.

"Shush you! Get your shirt on and stay here. I'll go hunting for food since we have no meat." He nodded.

"Good. I'm starving. I don't want rabbit food." He said, gesturing the food in my pack. I rolled my eyes and strode away, my silver rod grasped in my hand.

I stared intently at a large male rabbit carelessly eating some grass, not paying attention to the surrounding world. I gently raised my bow, careful not to make a sound. I strung an arrow and let it fly. It pierced the young buck through the heart. I grinned in delight. I now had two rabbits in my hunting bag. Good I thought happily, but that happiness didn't last long. BOOM! A cannon fired.

I looked around in horror.

"Cato!" I screamed, "CATO!" I dashed blindly through the bushes back to our makeshift campsite as fast as I could, only to run into Cato himself. He looked just as worried as I was. I flew into his arms and we hugged tightly.

"God, when I heard that cannon, I thought it was you!" He gushed.

"So did I. I was so worried she had gotten you." He knew who I referred to.

"If it wasn't you, who was it?" He questioned. I shrugged and looked to the sky, just quick enough to see a glint of red hair disappearing into a hovercraft.

"Foxface." I breathed. It was now just four of us left. Four tributes in the Hunger Games. I knew the Gamemakers would want to end this soon enough.

"There are only four of us left." Cato repeated my thoughts.

"They might want to end this soon. It's just us and them." Cato gently lifted my head so we made eye contact. His finger traced the side of my jawline and he pulled me into him. His lips met mine, soft and sweet, like I will always remember them. I gently wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me closer with his hands around my waist.

I tousled my fingers through his hair, pulling him closer to me. He backed me up against a tree, his hands still firmly planted on my waist. I ran my hands down his neck and onto his chest, grabbing his shirt and pulling him into me; he didn't resist the touch. Practically his whole body weight was leaning up against me, making it hard to breathe, but he was already breathtaking so it didn't matter. His scent was intoxicating, leaving me totally under his control.

Suddenly, the quick darkening of the sky broke us apart. He looked at me, confused.

"It can't be more than 1 o'clock can it?" He asked.

"That's what I thought. They must want this over quick."

"Oh well, let's get going then. They'll want a good show for the finale!" Cato grinned, "and babe," I turned around to see him holding both of the body armor suits, "Get changed into this. Clove has no use for it, an she'll probably want you to have it anyway." I nodded and caught the suit as he chucked it towards me.

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