Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Thresh's Hideaway

We stood on the edge of the field together, looking down into our enemy's domain.

"Ready Lexi?" Cato turned to me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Yeah, I'm ready for anything." I replied, wrapping my arm around his shoulder, "Let's go." We descended into Thresh's hideaway. I had wanted to take this place on since the day we arrived, but I knew it was better to wait until we were fully prepared. God knows what could be in there; snakes, quicksand; the lot. Thresh obviously knows how to take care for himself in fields like those.

The grass came up to Cato's shoulder, meaning I could only just see above the top. A slight breeze was blowing through the grass, making the event we were about to descend into even scarier. Slight rustling protruded our ears, making it difficult to discern what made the rustling. Was it an animal, the wind, or Thresh?

Cato and I made light footfalls and were careful to listen to every sound. His hand tightly clasped mine. I knew the Gamemakers wanted a showdown between us and Thresh. I heard a slight rustle and pricked my ears, stopping in my tracks. Heavy footfalls told me he was coming. Cato and I turned back to back, making sure we covered all directions. I could hear the footfalls becoming increasingly louder and nearer. I gripped the end of my sword in anticipation and fear. I could die tonight.

Thresh burst through the grass in front of my, wielding a large, curved sword he wildly swung at me. I deflected it and slashed at him. He saw it coming and quickly stopped it. He took a huge swipe at my head, smashing his fist against my jaw before running into the grass again. If it wasn't for Cato, I would've fallen to the ground. I clasped my jaw and let out a gasp of pain. He really knows how to pack a punch.

"He's leading us into a chase." Cato smirked, "Don't fall for the bait." I looked at my feet.

"I won't, bur I think I'd rather chase him than stay here." We were standing in quicksand that was slowly dragging us in.

"Why?" Cato asked stupidly.

"Don't panic, but look at your feet." I spoke, not letting the panic in my voice rise. I slowly pulled one foot out of the sand and onto dry land. I pulled myself out, leaving cloggy mud on my feet. I grabbed Cato's hand and pulled him out. He looked at me for a second, and then Thresh came bursting through again, slashing at Cato this time and running off into the grass again. He didn't have his or Cato's bag slung over his shoulder so he had to have a secret hideout where he puts everything he needs.

Cato made a move to follow him but I grabbed his arm.

"No. He'll be leading us away from his hideout where I guess he's keeping your bag."

"Are you sure you want to go into that?" He pointed to the 6 foot high grass area. I nodded, knowing Thresh would have a secret hideout somewhere in there.

We plunged into the grass, trying not to leave a trail behind us as we walked. I was on edge. Thresh could be watching us right now. He knows this place a whole lot better than we do. Cato and I carefully planted our feet, not knowing what the ground would be like. Then the ground under my feet gave way.

"Lexi!" Cato yelled as I plunged into the ground screaming his name. The hole was definitely too small for Cato so he was distressed. I could see it in his eyes as I slid further away from him. Soon he was out of sight, but his voice travelled down.

I slid down the makeshift slide and entered an underground cavern vastly filled with crudely made furniture. This, no doubt, was Thresh's hideout and right in the far corner was the bags. I quickly looked up the gaping hole I had descended through. I couldn't see the top but Cato had stopped yelling my name. That's when I heard the clash of swords and a yell of pain.

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