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Hi my name is Emily Lily Potter and I am Harry Potter's twin sister. We are very close and we are stuck next time each other all over the years and no one got in the way. We were staying at the Dursleys when they started time receive some letters. Many times, I caught Uncle Vernon burning mine and Harry's post. It got so bad we moved to an abandoned castle. Me and harry was up and looked at Dudley's watch. "Happy birthday twin brother." "Happy birthday Em." Suddenly, there was banging on the door and it fell to the floor. Someone entered and came to sit down. "You're breaking an entry." 

He just twisted uncle Vernon gun back to him and lit a fire. "Happy birthday you two." "Sorry, who are you?" "I am Rubeus Hagrid. I am the gatekeeper at Hogwarts witchcraft and wizardry." "Hogwarts what?" "Emily you are witch and harry is a wizard. Where do you think you went to school?" "We weren't told." "Yes, we did tell you because my sister was a freak but my parents loved it when she received her letter. They only gone and died in a car crash." "lily and James potter didn't die in a car crash."

"You told us they blew up." I look at Dudley snacking on mine and Harry's cake. He gave him a pick tail then they all ran upstairs. "Well, we better get going got plenty to do." We reached a pub in London and me even harry was reading our Hogwarts letters. "You've been on that list since you were born." "Hagrid?" "Yes Harry." "Where are we getting this from?" "Diagon Alley." All 3 of us walked in the place. "Hagrid the usual?" "Not today. Hogwarts business." "OH, it is Emily and Harry potter." Everyone came over and shook our hand. "E... Emily and H...harry pppp...potter it is nice to meet you." "Emily, Harry this is professor Quirrel one of the professors." "Well we better get off." We got our money out and we got everything. We got our wands while he went off. We entered the shopping. "Ahh, I've been expecting you Mr and miss potter." 

Harry got his wand then he did me. We tried 2 wands then he looked at me. "I wonder." He handed it too me and I was connected to it. "Unbelievable." "What is it Mr Ollivander?" "Well Miss potter. This a Holly, light weight, flexibly, 13 inch wand with a phoenix and thestral tail hair core. You are supposed to do good thing miss potter, use it wisely." We paid for it then we turned around to see Hagrid with 2 owls Harry's white owl was called Hedwig while my barn owl was called Lexi . We sat there listening to Hagrid then went to bed in the leaky cauldron.

The next day me and Harry went to King Cross station when Hagrid gave our tickets. We looked at him then the ticket, "Hagrid there is no platform as 9 3/4 . we looked up and signed then overheard a mum talking to their children. Me and Harry went over and watched George and Fred walk through the barrier. "Excuse me." "Yes dears?" "Can you tell us..." "How to get on the platform. It's Ron first time. It best if you do it in a Ryan between the two platforms. "Good luck." I smiled at the girl and went through. I gave my luggage in then I wanted for Harry. We found an empty compartment. Then the door opened, "you don't mind do you. Everywhere else is full." "No, we don't mind." "The name is Ron Weasley." "Well this is Harry potter and I'm Emily potter." "Is it true about the..." "Scars? Oh yes." 

We showed him and then brought everything from the trolley. We were eating when Ron wanted to show us a spell. The compartment door ripened, "have you seen a toad. A boy named Neville has lost one. Oh, you're doing magic let's see." "Sunshine, daisies, mellow yellow turn this fat rat yellow."  

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