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"Bella, I have already told you. I am not walking away from this fight even if she sees a future that you lot might not be in but I can't walk away. That isn't me and I expected you are setting camp next to our tent tomorrow." "Yeah." "I will see you all tomorrow." I hung up and texted dad. Harry came out and sat next to me. "I know you had a fight with your imprints." "It not my fault that I am always stuck in this situation." "I know but there some people who want to talk." I looked up and saw my imprints. "I will be inside if you need me." He kissed my head and went in. "You can sit down." We talked and they hugged me. "We will see you tomorrow." "Of course, you know I am everyone's angel of hope." "You really are." They kissed me and left. I walked in and me, Harry, Draco even Blaise was still up. I sat with the 3 of them. "Do you regret anything you have done?"

Harry said yes so did Dray and Bay. They looked at me, "not really. It has always been to protect someone." We were in deep conversation. Bay and Dray went to sleep. Me and Harry were sitting there. We talked about all the fun times we had. "Whatever happens, look out for the other for me." "I will. Try and sleep." I nodded and fell asleep in the chair when Harry left. I was woken up by Minnie. "Come you need to eat." I smiled and went to eat. We ate and I went out the front with the boys. "We need clear the area a bit to create seat for a bonfire in the middle." They nodded and helped me. Everything was ready and they all turned up. They started talking about battle stories. Harry spoke. "we had one. A major which me and my sister stopped. Want to show them Ems." I smiled and thought about the memory from the beginning and projected it from the beginning of Bill and Fleur's wedding.

I managed to add Harry memories in it as well. By the time it finished they looked over. "how old were you." "17/18." I got up and went to talk to my dad. "She has too much going on in her head." "We know. She won't let anyone share the burden." The time came and we were waiting for Aro and the rest. I had my wizardry family in between the vampires in their own groups. I was at front with Bella and Ren. Aro arrived and then I heard a howl. I smirked and Dad stood on my left with quill on my right next to Ren. Carlisle and Aro started to talk. Then He looked at Edward. "I would like to meet her or should I say them. Quill and Emmett went with Ren. I told dad to stay. Harry and Jake came with me. Ren went back when Aro looked at me. "hello Emily." "Hello Aro." "I see they tried to hide you." "Nope, I hid myself from you." I used my magic and showed him my memories. We were walking when I turned and saw Tanya's sister. They were about to destroy her but I protected her with my magic and sent her to her family. "I see you are a fighter." "I see you just want power that you have to take."  

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