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I apparated to my manor. Blaise, Draco, Narcissa, Sophie and Zac walked up to me. "Are you sure about this?" "Come I will show you to your room. Kreacher, Becky." "Yes Mistress. Can you get my clothes ready so I can leave soon?" "Yes Miss." "Oh and please be good to the Zabini's, Malfoy's. They are good friends of mine." "Of course, you treat us well so we will treat them well." They disappear. I took them on the tour.

First floor was mine, Draco and Blaise's room. "Boys, your rooms are side by side and opposite me room. I use it when I am back." "Of course, Mia." I went up to the second floor, "Cissy, Sophie and Zac these are your rooms. I will leave you and meet me in the kitchen I will have food ready when you settled and change the rooms to your liking." They all hugged and smiled before going in their rooms. Becky and Kreacher was putting the food on the table when they all came down. We all ate. "Emily, this is lovely." "Yes, I did it myself. No one knows about this place except you." "We are honoured and we won't tell anyone." "Thank you." Becky appeared, "Miss your bags will be ready in 10 minutes." "Thank you and please call me Emily. Same for you Kreacher."

They nodded and disappeared. "Why did you disappear for a week every month. Draco and Blaise said you were hiding something." "I had an argument with my brother and left which then I got bit by a werewolf but I been handling it well. Getting by." "You are strong Emily. We want you to become part of the Zabini-Malfoy family." "I love to. Excuse me." I got up and wrote a letter to Ginny, Ron, Fred, George, Harry, Hermione and Molly. Then I wrote a letter that was for Sirius and Remus and explained everything even about changing my last name. I wrote to the ministry to changed my last name. I tied the letter together in a stack then attached the ministry to the stack. Lexi will bite the string and leave as they are all at the burrows. 

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