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"What happened Em?" "Quill kissed Bella and she broke her hand." I phoned Carlisle and Dad quick. "Em, you coming." I nodded and looked at Jake, "I won't be long." He smiled and we went in. They all hugged me, "what happened?" "I am not explaining." I stood with Rose. She talked, Emmett said she was bad-ass. I walked out the room. They all looked at me. 

Bella followed, "Em?" "Bella, go and talks to them being bad-ass." "What is  the matter?" "My original parents were murder, I got bite and had to change into a monster. I went through school doing magic and fight evil. I had to battle before I came here." "What about the..." "Scar? I did that during my transformation. I have gone worst. I wish you would change your decision." I walked in and they all looked at me. "You heard?" "Yes. Why didn't you tell anyone?" "I did. Sam and Leah knew. Jake knew pieces." 

They nodded, I hugged them and went home. The next day was graduation. We listen to the speech. Sam, Leah, Carlisle, Esme and Charlie stood up and clapped when I got my degree. I came down and went to them as it ended. That evening me and Jake arrived with Quill and Embryo to the party. He gave Bella a gift then gave mine.

It was a heart necklace carved with my mates and imprints names. "Thank you." I saw Alice and the rest. Jake talked to Bella as me and Alice came down. We stood, they rushed over. "Alice." "Emily, they change. They are coming here." Jake looked at me and we all went away from the party, I was in Embry's arms. "Wait who is coming?" "Jake." 

They looked at me. "newborns, there kind. There species in there prime." "They not going down easy." I looked at the boys and nodded, I faced back. "we are in." "Em, you are all going to get hurt." "Bella, we are working together and getting along. This is what we do." "Em, do you think your father be up for an understanding." "I think so."  

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