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Sev started to teach me Year 7 and 8 spells that I passed. I sat my Owls already and I was young more exams with the people in the older years. Harry and Dumbledore disappeared to find a horcrux. They apparated back when death eaters were in the school. Snape killed Dumbledore but me and Sev knew it would as he had to show his loyalty to Voldemort. Harry chased after Snape and tried to fight him.

I was next to Albus body with everyone watching me. I broke down. I lost another important person. Harry came over and I sobbed in his arms. Ginny took me to bed and it was the end if school. Minnie handed me some results. I sat my Newts and I exceeded them all with the highest grade. Harry, Hermione and Ron were on the astronomy tower talking. They made a pack to go hunting for the horcruxes. The school year ended and I went with Sev for the first 2 weeks then went back to Grimmauld place.  

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