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We all sat on the ground the front. "Em, how long do you think this will last?" "Who knows but I will stay with my cousin." Jake pulled me into a side hug. "You missing them aren't you." "yes, but I need to be strong." I got up and went to jog around the perimeter again. Carlisle came down and stood next to him, "she needs to realise that there are people who is willing to listening." "I know. Be lucky you know about anything. We will send her in so she can talk to you lot and she can rest. We will keep watch." "Jake, you need to take care as well." "We will but she is important to most people. Right now, she has 4 vamp mates and 1 shifter with her and the other 4 on her dad's side." I came back, "check the perimeter in about 20 minutes." "can you hear them?" "I tuned out of the mind link and it quite peacefully."

"Em, come in and you can catch up with them." "I will meet you inside." He nodded and went inside. "You boys, will be ok right?" "Go, we aren't stopping you as long as you bring me some food later." "Of course, baby." I kissed Jake. He kissed me back, "you know how long I wanted to do that to you." "I guess for a while." He started the next one and I broke it. I went in and sat next to Bella. I whispered in her ear. She gasped, "you didn't?" I just nodded. "I am so happy for you." "Thanks." The rest walked in, "hey Em." "Hey." They sat down, "I take it you would like me to start from the beginning." They all nodded. I sat there and explained. I didn't know that Carlisle let Jake and Quill in so they could listen. When I finished, they looked at me, "you been through a lot?" "Well, it doesn't matter really." Quill went to check the perimeter while Jake walked behind me and whispered in my ear, "it matters to your imprints, family and mates." "When did you get in?" "You will never know." "Go and do a perimeter check." He kissed my cheek and left.

I got to know the Cullen's a bit better. Esme handed me some sandwiches and I went to the boys. I gave them a plate and I sat down with them. "I love you." "Or it that just the food talking." "Both." I laughed and we ate. "Quill you will find someone soon?" "Hopefully, Em. I just don't want to be a lone anymore." "Trust me I felt the same until I met all of mine. I would do anything for them but right now my cousin comes first." "Which we completely understand." Jake hugged me from behind, "you know the others will be jealous because you got the first shot." "Who cares because personally, I knew you longer than any of them but then Embry has known you for a while." "But not as long as you chief." "Loca, go in and sleep." "Chief, I will be fine. I don't need sleep." 

Emmett and Jasper came out, "actually Emily. After everything you have done, you look tired. Come and sleep." "Fine but I will use the armchair so I can watch Bella." I kissed Jake night and went in. Me, Emmett and Jasper were talking as we came in. Rose chucked Jasper a blanket. "You lot planned this." "Well, you have been doing a lot lately and never really had a break." Emmett came over and held me, "when was the last time you slept?"" 

Bella looked at me and spoke, "you haven't slept before you went to Canada. Have you?" "I don't know what you are talking about Bells. You should be resting." Rose butted in with Alice, "and you. You will not go outside until. You have received enough sleep for tonight." "Fine." "Good." "I have patrol early so wake me up." They nodded. I went in the arm chair and curled up. I fell asleep instantly. "She only felt secure about right now." "We guess. Bella you wasn't lying about her not sleeping since Canada." "You saw it Edward?" He nodded, "most of it was worrying about you not forgiving her or telling her not to bother." "I am nothing like her brother. She was my rock so, I will be hers." 

They nodded. 

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