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I looked at him, "they don't deserve it if they are going to be like this. You will have to contact the people that care still." "Thanks, Jasp." I hugged him and he hugged me back. "So, now I don't want any more tears. I love you and it hurts me seeing you like this." I kissed him and he kissed back. "I should really go." "Yes, you should." He gave my letter back and we walked back. "Where Jake?" "We told him, we had to leave and..." "He has gone to do something stupid. I don't need this." I walked upstairs and went to sleep in the armchair. They all came up and I still had the spell up to block my mind. It been 10 minutes when I heard Jake.

I got out the chair and Bella even Edward followed. "What was you thinking?" "Baby, I..." "Don't you realise now Uncle Charlie will question me after Bella. Bella and Edward have a daughter that have been adopted. Not to mention she not been used to the hunt yet and it like stick a scorching hot iron down her throat. I didn't need this Jake. I don't care if the pack heard through mind link or the rest of the Cullen's heard it. I didn't need this. I JUST HAD ANOTHER PROBLEM POP UP; I DON'T NEED IT." Jasper, Emmett ran down the stairs and grabbed me. We all went to the back of the house. "My cousin is right." "He will be here in 10 minutes." We were all upstairs. Esme was standing next to me; she was the only one keeping me thinking straight at the moment. They helped Bella. Then they started to walk off. Charlie looked at me, "me and you will have a talk later."

I nodded and walked out. Edward and Jake followed. I was sitting on the floor. I duplicated the letter so I had two. I was burning one with reading the other one. They were watching me. I folded the unburnt letter up and put it in my pocket. The burnt letter I made disappear. Edward came over, "want to hold Reneesme. You haven't held her yet." "Sure." I was holding her. Everyone was smiling. "I show you some of my magic when I am older." Edward looked at me, "you know you will be her favourite aunt now." "I doubt it. Who could top the rest? Plus, she has her uncles in the pack thanks to Quill. I will keep Quill in line. You better go and show Charlie Reneesme." I gave her back and they left. I calmed down, Jake was unsure to come and speak to me yet. I went upstairs and saw that Charlie was leaving. He looked at me, "Come we will go and talk somewhere else."

Everyone was walking in when me and Charlie went to sit in his cruiser. We were in deep conversation and I ended crying in front of him. We hugged each other; He didn't care. He just wished I told about what happened before I moved here. I got out the car and wiped my tears. He left and went home. "Well done Bella. Nice control even if you are the strongest in the house." "I don't know she so tamed." "Don't wind up her Emmett and you will lose." "No faith in me Emily. I am hurt." "Stating the true and I know Bella will win." They ended up arm wrestling. Emmett lost, I looked at him, "what was I saying?" "Ems?" "Yes, Bella?" "Want to talk quickly." "Sure." We went somewhere else so no one could listen. I told her everything and came back. "You will be ok. You should go and see Sam, Leah. They probably worried after your outburst." I hugged Bella, "Thank you."

I ran home. Jake got on his bike and drove down to Sam's. I walked in the house with Jake following me when I was engulfed by Paul, Jared, Embry and Seth. "Hey, I am ok. I am calm. I talked it out with someone." "You sure?" I nodded. Dad saw me and looked at me. He knew I didn't want to talk about it. I just hugged him, "I got you princess." We stayed like that until mum said food was done.

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