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Emmett came and hugged me. "Nice to see you outside school Emmett." "Same here, Emily." "Hope you are hungry." "I am, Mum doesn't eat until Dad is home." "Oh Sam, told me they took you in as their own?" "Yeah him and Leah wanted to help Charlie." "Charlie is your dad." "No, he is my uncle." "Small world." We all chuckled and talked. I ate and Alice, Jasper walked in. I waved hi because I was eating and they talked to me. I finished and talked to them back. 

"Carlisle, you want to talk." "Yeah," he looked at Rose. "Are they out the house?" She nodded. "Jasper and Rose said you stopped the truck but don't know how." "Before moving here, I went to a magic school in Scotland. When I saw the truck, I teleported and used all the force to create a dent then darted out."

"That explains how Edward didn't have to stop the truck." "Yeah, sorry." "No, it is fine. Sam and Leah know about your magic." I nodded. Esme looked at me, "we just wanted to know and we want you to come and visit more offend." I looked at them confused. "You are Alice and Jasper, Rose and Emmett other mate." "Problem." "Why?" "Paul and Jared imprint on me." Carlisle knew what was going to happen, "Emily we have to tell you that you will have 4 vampire mates but 5 shifter imprints." "I don't mind. It isn't like I am going anywhere. I am staying permanently and live with Sam, Leah." We all talked then I looked at the time. 

"I better go. I need to meet day, his patrol finishes in 10 minutes." "Would you like someone to drop you off?" "No thanks Esme. I need to go for a jog." I smiled and said bye. I left then met Dad at the border. I looked at him and climbed on his back. When we got home, I went to see mum. "Mum! I am home." Me and mum started to talk when my phone rang. "Hello Bells, what can I do?" She was explaining on the phone. "No, I can't have to help Billy that day. I promised to fix the shed." I hung up as Dad walked in. "Hey princess." "Hey, I have to tell you both something."

Mum sat down and held my hand, "what is it?" "I have 5 imprinters and 4 vamp mates." "Dear me and your dad loves you either way." "We do and I take it you know your 4 vamp mates. How many imprints have you met out of the 5?" "2." They nodded and we all watched a movie. "Billy wants you to fix Jake's bedroom door tomorrow." "Ok." The film went on a break. "I think I am going to lie down. I don't feel too well." Leah checked my head and we both went upstairs. She put me in bed and I fell asleep. 

Leah came down, "we are going to have to keep watch she was at 80." "It means she will shift soon." Leah nodded. Weeks went by and I got a call from Charlie. "Hello?" "Em, you cousin is in hospital." "I am coming." I rushed down, when mum and Dad looked at me. "What is the rush?" "Bella is in hospital." 

They nodded and I went to the hospital.  

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