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I walked in and saw the Cullens. "We will fill you in once you see her." "Thanks." I walked over to Charlie. "Charlie?" "Oh, thank god my niece is unhurt." "Hey you can't think like that. Let's go and see her." We walked in. "Bells?" "Em, why are you here?" "I was informed you were rushed in. You ok?" Charlie went to get a coffee. "I will be once I am out of here. Are you going prom?" I stood up and faced the window, "No." "Why?" "Bells, it isn't me and I haven't got a dress yet." "Look if I can convince you by tomorrow. We can go dress shopping." "Fine." 

I walked out and went to the Cullen's. "Let talk outside." We went outside and talked. "I will keep an eye on her if you have to leave." "Thank you and here." Alice handed me a box, "We know you said you aren't going but please reconsider." "I will reconsider and let you know. I better head home. Carlisle, you don't mind..." "No, of course I will let Charlie know." "Thanks." I ran home and put the box on the table.

Mum walked over, "what is this?" "A dress for prom which is coming up and the Cullen's gave it to me." She had a look and put back in the box. "It looks amazing. Are you going to go?" "Who would I go with?" I sat at the table. She sat next to me, "ask Jake." "Thanks Mum." I ran upstairs put the box in my room and ran back down putting a jumper on. Dad walked in as I was leaving. "I will be back soon." "Be careful." "I will."

I ran to Billy's and knocked. It was raining. Jake opened the door. "Loca, you are going to get soaked." "I had to asked you something." "What did you want to ask?" "Can you be my date to prom?" "Of course, Loca. I would be honoured." "Thanks." I kissed his cheek and ran home. I walked in when Jared, Paul and dad were talking. "You are soaked." "It only just started. Mum going for a shower." "don't be too long. Dinner will be down soon." I went for a shower and got changed. I put a hoodie over my pyjamas top. I came down and sat next to dad. He kissed my forehead. 

"That is better. Don't want you getting ill." "I know dad." Mum came and gave me my plate and put the rest down for them. She got her plate and sat the other side of me. We were eating when there was a phone call. Mum went to answer it. "Emily, it is for you." I took the phone and walked off. "Hello." "Hey Em." "Hey Alice, Rose. How are you?" "We are good. Did you think about it?" "Yes, and I am going." "Good, we will see you there." "Ok, later." 

I hung up and put the phone back then sat back down. "Everything ok?" "Mum, can we get ready at Sue's in 2 days and I will fill you in later." "Of course." "Can I know?" "Dad, it is a surprise." Mum finished. "I will ring Billy, Harry and Sue now then." "Thanks." I smiled and carried on eating. "You got that look in your eye princess." "I don't know what you are talking about."

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