Chapter 1

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Archie Andrews, Betty cooper and jughead Jones, also known as riverdales most talked about couple. The three of them had been attached at the hip, since they were born and they grew up together. However, in their junior year, their relationship shifted and it became more than best friends. They were dating, all three of them. To some, this shocked people, that they were in a polyamorous relationship but to the people around them, it was expected, they all loved each other so much. Eventually people in riverdale got over the initial shock and everyone was used to it, they were cute after all...

It was a normal Thursday afternoon and jughead and Archie were lounging in the blue and gold office, waiting for Betty who had cheerleading tryouts. "I'm starving!" Jughead groaned and frowned when Archie threw a ball of paper at him. "You're always hungry" Archie chuckled. Before jughead could respond, Betty bounced into the office. "Hi!" She chirped, decked out in a cheerleading outfit that had her boyfriends drooling. "There's our little cheerleader!" Jug smiled and stood up, pulling her into a hug. "So you made the team?" Archie grinned, hugging her. "Yes! Can you believe it!" Betty said, excitedly. "Of course we can, you're amazing" jug smiled. "Now I have someone cheering me on when I play" Archie added. Archie was also on the football team. "Great, now I'll be alone in the stands at football games" jug groaned and Betty and Archie laughed. "Come on guys, we need to get going, dad wants us to have dinner" Archie said as they all left the school.  Fred Andrews and FP Jones are best friends, despite having completely different lives. So having dinner at Fred's house with FP wasn't unusual. Both of them were extremely supportive, something which Betty was extremely thankful for as her own family was not. Her father was in prison for being the black hood and Betty's and alices relationship was never good and Alice was not supportive of Betty's relationship. So most of the Time Betty spent her days at the Andrews house or jughead and FPs trailer.

"So how was school?" Fred asked as they all sat around the table. "Betty made the cheerleading team" Archie grinned, proudly. "Really?" FP beamed and Betty nodded. "Well done honey" Fred smiled. "Thank you!" Betty grinned. "Anything else happen?" FP asked. "Nope! School was boring as always" jughead said, dryly, and everyone laughed. After dinner, FP went home and Fred went upstairs while Archie, jughead and Betty cuddled up on the sofa and watched a movie. "Do you want to go to pops after school tomorrow?" Jug asked. "Sounds good" Betty smiled, from where she was sat in the middle of them. "Yeah!" Archie agreed. "I should probably get home" Betty said after a few moments, standing up and making sure her clothes were neat. "Are you sure? It's not curfew yet" Archie exclaimed and Betty sighed. "I know but I have homework to do and I don't want another blow up with my mom" Betty said, looking at her feet. She never spoke about it much, but the boys knew how much Betty was hurting about her family situation, so they always tried to be there as best they could. "Hey" jug said softly as both he and Archie stood up. "You call us okay? No matter what time it is, if you need us we'll be there okay?" Jug said and Betty nodded, blinking back tears. "Okay" she whispered and let them pull her into a hug. "I'm going to stay here tonight so we'll both walk you to school" jug said as they all pulled away. "Okay, goodnight" Betty said as they walked her to the door. "Love you" she said. "Love you" Archie smiled and kissed her. "Love you too" jug said, kissing her as she left and walked across the grass to her own house.

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