Chapter 8

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During the night, Betty woke up and couldn't get back to sleep. Sighing, she carefully got out of bed and went into the kitchen to get a glass of water. She couldn't stop the thoughts from racing around her head, and she started pacing up and down the trailer. She was happy to be out of her home environment, but she couldn't help but worry and stress over how everything is going to sort itself out. After a while, she went over to the couch to sit down, and not realising how tired she was, she fell asleep...

The next morning, the boys were woken up by the sun streaming though jugheads thin curtains. "Mmm morning guys" Archie mumbled, sleepily throwing his arm out. "Morning" jug said, feeling for Betty, his eyes opening when he didn't feel her. "Betts?" He said. "Where is she?" Archie Asked. They both stood up, shrugging on sweats before leaving the bedroom. They spotted her laying on the couch fast asleep. "Why is she out here?" Jug asked. "I don't know" Archie whispered, gently tucking a blanket around her and kissing her head. "Maybe she couldn't sleep?" Archie said. "Let's just wait until she wakes up, do you want coffee?" Jug asked and Archie nodded. "Yes please" he said and pecked his lips. Both boys sat at the table and made quiet conversation over their morning coffee until Betty started to stir. "Hey baby" jug said softly, walking over to her when he saw her wake up. "Hi" she said. "How come you're out here?" Archie Asked, Sitting on the other side of her. "I couldn't sleep, I came out here and I just have fell asleep" she exclaimed. "You could've woken us up babe" Archie said. "It's okay" Betty shrugged. "Do you want any breakfast?" Jug asked her, tucking the hair from her face. "I'm not really hungry" she said. "Also we have school to be getting for" she added and jughead and Archie shared a glance. "We don't have to go in today betts, you can take a day off" Archie said. "No, no, I have cheerleading practice, it's the game tomorrow" she told them and the boys sighed; they knew there was no convincing her otherwise. "Okay then, Come on" jug said, pulling her up off the couch.

At the end of the school day, Betty was in the locker room with Veronica, Toni and Cheryl, getting ready for practice. Betty had just explained her living situation with all their friends at lunch. "I'm really sorry you had to go through that b" Veronica said, hugging her best friend. "Me too, you're always welcome at thistle house, cousin" Cheryl said. "Thanks guys" Betty smiled, hugging then all. "Now lets get out there and practice! I'm so excited for the game Tomorrow!" Toni grinned. While Betty was at practice, jughead and Archie had gone back to jugheads trailer, and Betty had told them that Veronica's driver was dropping her home so they didn't have to wait. When practice was over, Veronica had a phone call saying her mom needed her home. "I'm so sorry b, is there anyway you can have one of the boys pick you up?" Veronica apologised. "Of course!" Betty smiled, hugging her friend goodbye before texting her boyfriends.

Ten minutes later, Archie pulled up in his truck. "Hey gorgeous" he grinned, hugging her as she bounded down the steps into his arms. "Hi" she smiled, kissing him. "Wheres jug?" She asked, as he held the door open for her to climb in. "I dropped him off at pops to get us milkshakes" Archie told her, starting the truck and pulling out of the school parking lot. "How was practice?" He asked, one hand on the wheel and the other on her leg. "It was good, i think it's going to go well" she told him. When they pulled up to pops, jug was just coming out and smiled when he spotted them, jumping in the truck. "Hey!" He said, handing them both a milkshake. "Hey babe" Archie said. "Hi juggie" Betty said, kissing him. "How was practice?" Jug asked her, as Archie drove them back to jugheads trailer. "It was good" she told him, just like she had Archie. "Are you nervous for tomorrow?" Jug asked her and she nodded. "Yeah...what if I mess up?" Betty stressed and jughead took her hand. "You won't, we've seen you and you're amazing okay?" He said and she nodded. "You've always wanted to be a cheerleader, just enjoy it babe" Archie smiled.

Back at the trailer, Betty was sat at the table, doing some homework, while jughead and Archie were sat on the couch playing video games. After a while, Betty sighed. "Juggie?" She said, and jug looked over at her. "Can you help me with this English please?" She asked and he nodded, pausing the game and walking over to her, sitting down. "What do you have to do?" He asked, looking over at her work. "I have to write an essay and I've done it but it's awful! And I can't write properly and I don't know what I'm~" she started rambling but Archie cut her off by coming up behind her and placing his hands on her shoulders. "Woah betts, take a breath" he said. "What's wrong babe?" Jug asked, looking at her in concern. Betty just sighed and tried to blink her tears away. "Sorry I'm just so stressed" she told them. "Why?" Jug asked softly. "Just everything! I feel like I haven't really had time to process anything and I'm also nervous for the game tomorrow" she explained. "Betts.." Archie said, lifting her off the chair and sitting down with her on his lap. "Thank you for being honest with us" he started. "And we get it's stressful and you've been through a lot but you're okay now, you never have to deal with you mom again okay?" He said and Betty nodded, her head in his neck. "As for the game, you'll smash it baby" jug smiled, taking her hands. "I just have so much in my head" she sighed. "And we're here to help with that" jug said. "How about I run you a bath, and you can relax?" He suggested and Betty nodded. "That sounds nice, thank you" she smiled and jug kissed her as he went into the bathroom. "You know I'll be there on the field with you tomorrow babe" Archie said, rubbing her back. "So, if you feel nervous I'll be there" he said. "I know" she smiled and he leant Down to kiss her.

CHILDHOOD LOVERS: ARCHIE, BETTY, JUGHEADWhere stories live. Discover now