Chapter 12

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Over the next week, Betty started to pick up some shifts at pops. One Thursday morning, her and jughead woke up in the trailer and started to get ready for school. Archie didn't stay over that night so they were going to walk to his house and walk with him. "Here baby" jug said, handing her a bagel. "Thanks" she smiled and kissed his cheek. "Are you ready to go?" He asked and Betty nodded, grabbing her bags. "What's in that bag?" He asked, looking at the two bags she had. "My pops uniform is in it" she told him. "I have a shift after school" she added and jug nodded, taking the bag off her and linking their fingers together as they left the trailer.

When they got to Archie's, he was waiting for them at the bottom of his steps. "Hey!" He grinned when he spotted then, Betty in her cheer outfit and jughead in his usual Sherpa. "Hey" jug smiled, pecking his lips. "Hi" Betty said, also kissing him. They fell into easy conversation as they made their way to school and when they got there, they went straight to their lockers. Betty put her pops uniform in her locker and then took out the books she needed for that day. "Hey guys, I need to head to the library before our first class so I'll see you in history?" She said, walking over to her boyfriends. "Sure babe" Archie smiled. "See you then" jughead grinned. The boys were already sat at a table when betty walked into class, and behind them was a table where Kevin was sat. "Hey B" Kevin smiled when Betty sat down. "Hey" she grinned and they started chatting. Halfway through the lesson, the teacher handed out some worksheets and let the class get on with it, so Archie and jughead turned around to face Kevin and Betty. "Hey Kev, wanna go to pops later?" Archie asked. "I have a shift" Betty added. "I'd love too" Kevin started. "But I have to help my dad after school" he said with a groan and the others laughed. They continued with their work, until the bell signalled next lesson.

After lunch, jughead and Archie had a free period, so they went into the blue and gold to hang out. After about ten minutes, the door flung open and Betty walked in, carrying a load of books. "Woah...betts let us help you" jug said, as the boys stood up and grabbed them off her. "Thanks" she said, out of breath. "What's all this for?" Archie asked, gesturing to the pile of books. "I need them for a project" she explained, and they nodded. "Do you have a free period?" Jug asked and Betty shook her head. "No but my teacher said I can work on my project in here" she told them. "Do you need us to leave?" Jug Asked but Betty smiled and shook her head. "No, I wouldn't mind the company anyway" she said, taking a seat. "Okay, we'll be quiet though" Archie laughed, kissing her head. The boys were talking quietly to eachother while Betty was sat, scribbling away. After a while she sighed and stood up from her chair. "You okay?" Jug asked her. "Yeah just need to give my brain a break" she said. "Come here..." jug smiled and she walked over to them, squealing when they both grabbed her and pulled her down on top of them. "I love you" she giggled. "We love you too" they said.

After school, jughead and Archie found themselves sat in a booth, watching as their girlfriend, in her tiny yellow pops uniform, flitted around the diner, taking orders and serving food. Suddenly, she was at the head of their table, with a notebook and a smile. "Hi there, I'm Betty and I'll be your waitress today" she giggled, and the boys smirked. "May I take your order?". "Oh yes... We'll take our regulars and your number please" jug smirked and Betty blushed, but her grin got bigger. "Oh I'm sorry, I'm flattered but I don't think my two boyfriends would be very happy" she played along. "Two?" Archie teased and Betty nodded. "Yep! I couldn't decide between the two" she said, a cheeky smile on her face. "Hey!" Jug laughed and both boys watched with a smile as she walked back to the kitchens to place their order. "How did we get so lucky man" Archie said. "I don't have a clue" jug smiled. Even though Betty protested, the boys stayed with Betty right til the end of her shift. "Do you guys want anything to take out?" She asked coming over to their table. "I'm taking my dinner home with us" she added. "I'll have a milkshake please babe" jug smiled and Archie Said he didn't want anything. Ten minutes later, the three of them were walking out of pops. "Thank god you brought the truck my feet are killing me!" Betty whined. "So how did I do?" Betty asked, as they all piled into Archie's truck and he started the drive to sunnyside. "You were amazing babe" Archie smiled, placing a hand on her leg. "Mmm, the prettiest waitress I've ever seen" jug said and Betty giggled. "Thank you" she said.

When they got back to jugheads trailer, Betty ate her food before having a shower and changing into her pyjamas. When she came back out, she went into the kitchen to make herself some tea. "I'm making tea. Do you guys want coffee, or anything?" She asked the boys, who were sat on the couch. "I'll make it betts" jug said, standing up and joining her in the kitchen. "It's okay, I don't mind" she shrugged. "I know baby, but you've been working for hours, let us okay?" He smiled, tucking her hair behind her ears and kissing her lips. "He's right...come and sit down honey" Archie called and Betty caved. "Okay...thank you" she smiled and went to join Archie, kissing him as she sat down. When jughead had made her tea, he sat on the other side of her while they watched tv. Betty pulled a book out and began to read it, finally relaxing. The boys noticed that twenty minutes later, she'd fallen asleep when her book slipped out of her hands. "She's so cute" Archie whispered as they looked at her sleeping form. "And exhausted" jug chuckled, picking her up, bridal style and carrying her into his room. Archie pulled back the covers as jughead placed her on the bed and she instantly curled up in the covers, falling into a deeper sleep...

CHILDHOOD LOVERS: ARCHIE, BETTY, JUGHEADWhere stories live. Discover now