Chapter 9

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The next day, was the day of the first football game of the year. "So, are you ready vixen?" Kevin asked after school as he and Betty walked out of class. "Yeah but I'm nervous" she said. "You're going to do amazing" Kevin grinned. "Are you sitting with jug?" Betty asked and Kevin nodded. "Of course! Me, jug, Sweetpea and fangs are going to be watching you girls cheer and Archie playing" he said. "Okay! Well I'll catch you after!" She smiled and hugged him before skipping off to the locker room to change into her cheerleading outfit with the others.

When the game was about to begin, Archie was out on the field when she spotted Betty and the other river vixens walked out. He quickly jogged over to Betty and wrapped her up in his arms. "You look beautiful" he smiled and Betty blushed. "Thanks arch" she said. "Are you okay?" He asked and she nodded. "Just nervous" she told him. "You're going to be amazing, don't stress about it" he reassured her and she nodded. "Okay, I have to go back, I love you" he said and kissed her. "I love you too" she said and watched as he ran back to the team. Betty took the opportunity to scan the crowd and her eyes landed on jughead, sat with the rest of their friends. She smiled and waved and he mouthed "I love you", making her smiled and blow him a kiss. "Come on B!" Toni called and Betty waved before joining the others. The game started, and Betty got into position, and the cheerleaders started the routine they had been practicing all week. Then along with the rest of the school, they cheered for the bulldogs.

When the game finished, Betty ran over to Archie, who spun her around and kissed her. "You were so good!" He grinned, kissing her. "So were you!" She smiled, hugging him. "Seriously babe, so amazing" he added. "Now come on let's go and find jug" he told her, taking her head and leading her in the school where jughead was waiting outside the locker rooms. "Juggie!" Betty beamed when she spotted him, running and hugging him. "Hey gorgeous" he smiled, catching her. "You were amazing! I knew you'd be!" He grinned, kissing her. "Thank you" she said. "So were you babe" jug said, pecking Archie's lips. "Thanks jug!" Archie smiled, hugging both of them. "I need to get changed then we can head out" Archie said, walking into the locker room. "I need to grab my stuff" Betty also said, heading into the girls locker room and getting her bag before going back to jughead. "You really were great baby, you didn't need to be nervous" he told her, wrapping an arm around her waist. "Thanks juggie" she smiled, kissing his cheek. "Okay let's go!" Archie grinned when he walked out, back in his normal clothes, grabbing Betty's other hand, as they walked out the school.

After stopping at pops for a celebratory dinner, they all walked back to Archie's, where they were staying as Fred was leaving for a job that night. "Do we have weekend plans?" Betty asked, as Archie let them into his house. "I have something at the community centre" Archie said. "I don't" jug said and Betty nodded. "I don't either" Betty giggled, taking her shoes off. "Hey kids!" Fred greeted them. "Hi" they all smiled. "How was the game?" Fred asked. "It was good" Betty beamed. "And how was cheerleading?" Fred asked her. "She was amazing!" Archie and jughead said in unison and Betty blushed. "Well that's good" Fred chuckled. "I'll leave you kids too it then" he told them, saying goodbye and grabbing his bag, before leaving the house. "I'm going to jump in the shower real quick" Archie said, as they all walked into Archie's bedroom. "Okay" jug said, pulling some sweats on. Archie left and when jughead turned around he noticed Betty looking out Archie's window, into her own bedroom. "Betts..." he said. "It's so empty" she whispered, not looking at him. "Don't think about it baby" he told her, closing the Curtains and standing in front of her. "Come on, why don't you put your pyjamas on and we can chill" he said, not wanting her to focus on that anymore. "Okay" she said, putting some pyjamas on before sitting on Archie's bed. "Woah, why so dark in here?" Archie laughed when he walked back in. Jughead just looked at him, gesturing to the window and Archie understood. "You okay honey?" He asked, crouching down in front of Betty. "Of course" she smiled looking up at her boyfriends. "I have you two" she smiled.

CHILDHOOD LOVERS: ARCHIE, BETTY, JUGHEADWhere stories live. Discover now