Chapter 15

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The next morning, Betty was woken up by the birds chirping. She opened her eyes and rolled over, seeing jughead smiling back at her. "Good morning beautiful" he smiled. "Mmm morning" she mumbled. "Good morning" arch said and she flipped on her back to look at him. "Good morning" she said, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. "Are you okay?" Archie asked her and she nodded. "Yeah" she whispered. "Sorry for freaking out last night" she said. "You don't need to apologise for that baby, we understand" jug said, taking her hand. "We're just glad you're okay" arch added and Betty smiled, kissing them both. "Shall we go and make some coffee?" Jug suggested and they nodded, getting out the tent. "'s so peaceful" Betty said, looking around the campsite. "It is, we should do this more often" Archie smiled, as jughead made them coffee. "Really? We can come again?" Betty asked, excited. "Of course betts" jug laughed. "I need to head to the bathrooms" Betty said after a few moments. "I'll come" Archie said. "Jug, you coming?" He asked, looking back at his boyfriend. "No, I'm going to start breakfast" jug said and Archie nodded, taking Betty's hand as they made their way to the bathrooms. "Did you have a good sleep?" He asked her as they started walking. "Yeah, it was a little cold though" she giggled. "And do you still feel anxious?" He asked and she sighed. "A tiny bit. Just being here is hard" she said, and Archie nodded. "But I know there's nothing here that will hurt me" she added. "And me and jug would never let anything happen to you" he told her, seriously. "I know" she said, squeezing his hand.

After breakfast, Betty decided she wanted to go on a small hike. "Okay" the boys agreed. They all got ready and while Archie got changed, Betty and jughead packed a backpack with some essential items they made need. "I'm excited!" Betty grinned and jug laughed at her excitement. "I'm glad baby" he smiled, leaning over and pecking her lips. "Okay, ready to go?" Archie asked, and they both ready. Betty held both their hands as they walked to the beginning of the hike. "How long is it do you know?" Archie asked as they started. "About an hour" jug told him and he nodded. Betty was happily swinging their hands as they walked, and the boys smiled at how carefree she looked. They hiked to the top of a hill that had a beautiful view. "Wow" Betty whispered, as jughead pulled out his camera and started snapping photos. "Do you guys want to stop up here for a bit?" Archie asked and they nodded, all sitting down and taking in the view. "I really needed this" Betty said after a few moments of silence. "Thank you". "You're welcome baby" Archie smiled. "We can come here anytime you like" jug added. "I'm really lucky to have you two" she started. "If I didn't have you through everything, I'm not sure where I'd be" she whispered and the boys instantly wrapped their arms around her. "We love you" they said. "I love you too".

After their hike, they went back to their tent where they made lunch, sandwiches. "Thanks betts" jug said when she handed them both a plate. "So what shall we do for the rest of the day?" She asked. "We can just chill, maybe take a swim later?" Archie suggested and Betty and jughead agreed. Once they'd eaten, Betty and jughead were reading their books and Archie was tossing a football around. "I'm going to head to the bathroom" Betty said. "Want me to come?" Archie asked but she shook her head. "I don't mind going alone in the day" she giggled, and skipped off. "Shall we head to the lake when she comes back?" Jug asked, putting his book down and walking over his boyfriend, catching the ball when he threw it. "Yeah, sounds good!" Archie grinned. The boys tossed the ball back and fourth for a few minutes until they spotted Betty coming back in the distance. "There she is!" Jug smiled as they turned to look at her. "Why is she walking so slow?" Archie frowned, putting the ball down. As she got a bit closer, the boys saw blood dripping down her leg, and rushed over. "Are you okay?!" "What happened!?" They asked, checking her over. "Calm Down I'm fine" she smiled. "I just slipped and cut my leg, it's not that bad but the blood was just trailing down my leg" she explained and the boys let out a breath, knowing she wasn't hurt. "Okay, Come on sunshine, let's get you cleaned up" Archie said, swinging her in his arms and carrying her back to their tent where jug grabbed a first aid kit. Archie sat down with Betty in his lap as jughead tended to her cut. "Sorry" he apologised when she winced. "So how did you fall?" Jug asked and Betty blushed. "Betts?" Arch asked. "There was a really cute deer and I wanted to get a closer look and I didn't see where I put my foot" she said, sheepishly and her boyfriends burst out laughing. "You're adorable" Archie chuckled. "Okay! All done" jug said, pulling away from her leg. "We don't need to cut your leg off" he teased. "Oh thank goodness" she giggled, as he pulled her out of Archie's lap and kissed her. "Can we go swimming now?" She asked, kissing Archie when he also pulled her into his arms. "Of course, let's get changed" Archie said.

CHILDHOOD LOVERS: ARCHIE, BETTY, JUGHEADWhere stories live. Discover now